This Git repo describes how I setup the ASUS Zephyrus G14 (GA401IV) with Fedora 35 including a GNOME Shell extension to switch between GPUs and ROG profiles.
This is not for the 2021 model
This is my personal config, no official guide.
If you want support from the asus-linux community please have a look at the official install guide here:
This guide will also get you a fully functional 2021 G14 if you are looking for this.
1. Follow the guide on
2. copy all the files to the appropriate directories
git clone
cd asus-g14-fedora
cp -R etc/* /etc/
systemd-hwdb update
udevadm trigger
systemctl enable asusctl_hibernate.service
we clone this repo
we go to the repo directory
we copy everything in this repo of etc to /etc/
mod the keyboard that page up / down is mapped to fn+up/down while home (pos1) / end is mapped to fn+left/right
you can use
brightnessctl -d asus::kbd_backlight s +1
andbrightnessctl -d asus::kbd_backlight s 1-
and map this to a key of your choice in your desktop environment
asus_hibernate.service restarts asusd after hibernation to re-apply the battery charge limit.
3. install brightnessctl
dnf install brightnessctl
brightnessctl is used for controlling the keyboard backlight as I'm overriding the default keys with page up / down before. you can map brightnessctl then in your DE to a key you want.
4. Reboot
5. You can switch your prefered graphics mode via the GNOME Shell extension "asusctl-gex" or with "supergfxctl -m (graphics mode)"
for more information on asusctl have a look here:
also custom fan curves are supported via the kernel now.