This utility was created in order to make easy the maintenance of the SDBM files which stores ModSecurity persistent collections.
List of options:
- -k, shrink: Removes all the expired elements as long as others not well formated items from the database.
- -n, new: Extract valid items of a database to a new one. Output will be: /tmp/new_db.[ip,pag]
- -D, directory: Used with -n, expects to receive a directory path in which the the resulting new_db.[ip,pag] files are placed.
- -s, status: Print information about the table, such us the amount of items, amount of expired items and also the amount of malformed items that may be using space;
- -d, dump: Dump all database items to 'stdout';
- -u, unpack: Interpret the content of the value as ModSecurity does, printing the results to the console. (This does not make sense without the -d option);
- -x, expired: Print only the expired elements. (As unpack, this item does not make sense without the dump option)
- -r, remove: Expects to receive a key as a paramter to be removed;
- -v, verbose: Some extra information about what this utility is doing;
- -h, help: this message.
# dnf install libtool automake gcc apr-devel apr-util-devel
# yum install libtool automake gcc apr-devel apr-util-devel
# ./
# ./configure
# make
# ./modsec-sdbm-util