A modern, blazing-fast Neovim configuration designed for full-stack development with first-class support for Go, TypeScript/JavaScript, Python, and Swift. Built with minimal bloat and maximum productivity in mind.
- 🔥 Lazy-loaded plugins for <50ms startup time
- 🌳 Native LSP with zero-config setup
- 🤖 GitHub Copilot integration
- 🔍 Blazing fast fuzzy finding with Telescope + ripgrep
- 🎨 Treesitter-based syntax highlighting
- 📦 Modular configuration for easy maintenance
- ⌨️ Ergonomic keymaps for efficient coding
- ⏳ Wakatime & Crackboard tracking (Installed locally and gitignored, see callsite at the top of
) - 📂 Web-devicons (You must have a nerd font installed)
- 🌳 nvim-tree filetree
- ⌨️ which-key for learning available keys for any given part of Neovim
- 🗒️ comment.nvim for an intuitive code commenting tool
- 🎨 Catppuccin theme with dark/light mode toggle (
- Plugin Management: lazy.nvim
- Completions: nvim-cmp
- Fuzzy Finding: Telescope + ripgrep
- Git Integration: gitsigns.nvim
- AI Assistance: Copilot
- LSP Support:
- Go (gopls)
- TypeScript/JavaScript (ts_ls)
- Python (pyright)
- Swift (sourcekit-lsp)
sudo pacman -S neovim ripgrep fd nodejs npm go
yay -S swift-bin
# Install Homebrew if not already installed
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
# Install required packages
brew install neovim ripgrep fd node go
# Install Swift (if not already installed with Xcode)
# Note: It's recommended to install Xcode from the App Store for full Swift support
xcode-select --install
# Install a Nerd Font (optional but recommended for icons)
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install --cask font-hack-nerd-font
mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
git clone https://github.com/marcusziade/rawdog.ml.nvim.git ~/.config/nvim
Leader key: Space
- Find files<leader>fg
- Live grep<leader>fb
- Browse buffers
- Go to definitiongr
- Find referencesK
- Show hover documentation<leader>ca
- Code actions<leader>rn
- Rename symbol
- Show which-key interface for available actions<C-h/j/k/l>
- Window navigation[d/]d
- Previous/next diagnostic<leader>fe
- Open and focus filetree<leader>e
- Toggle filetree open and close
- See more in comment.nvim docs
- Toggle between Catppuccin dark (macchiato) and light (latte) themes
├── init.lua
└── lua/
├── config/
│ ├── completion.lua # nvim-cmp setup
│ ├── keymaps.lua # Key bindings
│ ├── lazy.lua # Plugin manager config
│ ├── lsp/ # LSP configurations
│ └── options.lua # Neovim options
└── plugins/
└── init.lua # Plugin specifications
Each aspect of this configuration is modular and easy to customize:
- Add plugins in
- Modify LSP settings in
- Adjust key bindings in