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TLS SSL Changes in MariaDB Connector C 3.4

Georg Richter edited this page Jul 25, 2024 · 8 revisions

TLS/SSL Changes in Connector/C 3.4 (Draft):

Peer certificate validation

Since version 3.4 peer certificate verification is enabled by default. It can be disabled via mysql_optionsv, using option MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT:

my_bool verify= 0;
mysql_options(mariadb, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT, &verify);

Self signed certificates

If the client obtained a self signed peer certificate from MariaDB server the verification will fail, with the following exceptions:

  • If the connection between client and server is considered to be secure:, e.g.
    • a unix_socket is used for client server communication
    • hostname is localhost (Windows operating system), or ::1
  • a specified fingerprint matches the fingerprint of the peer certificate (see below)
  • a client can verify the certificate using account password, it's possible if
    • account has a password
    • authentication plugin is "secure without TLS", that is, one of mysql_native_password, ed25519, parsec.

Fingerprint verification of the peer certificate

A fingerprint is a cryptographic hash (SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512) of the peer certificate's binary data. Even if the fingerprint matches, an expired ôr revoked certificate will not be accepted.

To get the finger print of the server certificate, you can use openssl or certtool (gnutls) command line clients on the server host:

$ openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha384 -inform pem -in /path/server-cert.pem
sha384 Fingerprint=C1:38:FD:6B:9B:A9:99:5A:E1:EF:08:00:34:A6:08:46:FA:A5:97:05:FD:62:EB:91:C7:BA:B6:73:BF:C6:D5:C2:0D:6A:D7:22:99:8D:8A:DE:C3:9C:5E:C6:5D:96:F6:63


certtool --fingerprint --hash=sha384 --infile=/path/server-cert.pem


For security reasons support for MD5 and SHA1 has been removed.

Obtaining peer certificate information

Peer certificate information can be obtained via mariadb_get_infov, using option MARIADB_TLS_PEER_CERT_INFO:

MARIADB_X509_INFO *info;
unsigned int hash_size= 384;

mysql_optionsv(mariadb, MARIADB_TLS_PEER_CERT_INFO, &info, hash_size);

The optional hash_size parameter specifies the length of the fingerprint hash in bits: supported values are 256, 384 and 512. If hash_size will be omitted, a default value of 256 will be used.

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