This repository contains the files used for this mini-project. This project was developed using Python and Jupyter notebooks.
The following libraries were used:
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Sklearn
- Tensorflow
- Plotly
The project is structured in sections using different Jupyter notebooks for a smoother experience:
EDA.ipynb notebook contains the work done for the Exploratory data analysis
dim_reduction.ipynb notebook contains the work done for dimensionality reduction
best_match.ipynb notebook contains the best match function developed for giving ingredient suggestions
- is a helper script used by dim_reduction and EDA notebooks. There is no need to open this file as the functions contained in this script are called by the notebooks
requirements.txt file contains all the libraries used in the notebooks and Python scripts above
/data folder contains the data collected for the MSc thesis from Bellosi (2011) used in this project.
/report folder contains the LaTeX source code of the project report
To explore the work done in this project, simply open each Jupyter notebook and run the cells.