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An implementation of a distributed machine learning algorithm using Spark able to identify fraud in credit card transactions


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Spark fraud detection

An implementation of a distributed machine learning algorithm using Spark able to identify fraud in credit card transactions.
This repository contains both the ML algorithm and the code to configure the AWS EC2 nodes to run it.

The algorithm is divided in the following phases:

  1. Spark initialization
  2. Data retrieval from Amazon S3
  3. Data preprocessing (removing outliers and balancing)
  4. Dataset split (training / test)
  5. Model construction and classification
  6. Results evaluation

To run this project you need to have an AWS account. Detailed instructions are in the this section.



The dataset contains transactions made by credit cards in September 2013 by European cardholders. This dataset presents transactions that occurred in two days, where we have 492 frauds out of 284,807 transactions. The dataset is highly unbalanced, the positive class (frauds) account for 0.172% of all transactions.

It contains only numerical input variables which are the result of a PCA transformation. Unfortunately, due to confidentiality issues, we cannot provide the original features and more background information about the data.

Project structure

+ - + spark_fraud_detection
    + - + configuration_files: file to configure the infrastructure, all the files contained in this directory are passed to ec2 instances by terraform
    |   | 
    |   + - + core-sites.xml
    |   | 
    |   + - + datanode_hostnames.txt: the list of datanodes (hostname only)
    |   | 
    |   + - + hadoop installation paths
    |   | 
    |   + - + hdfs-site.xml
    |   | 
    |   + - + hosts.txt: a list of pair (IP, hostname) of the hosts (namenonde and datanode)
    |   | 
    |   + - + mapred-sites.xml
    |   | 
    |   + - + namenode_hostname.txt:  the list of namenodes (hostname only)
    |   | 
    |   + - + a script to install the required packets
    |   | 
    |   + - + generic paths (Java and Python)
    |   | 
    |   + - + requirements.txt: required Python libraries
    |   | 
    |   + - +
    |   | 
    |   + - +
    |   | 
    |   + - + yarn-site.xml
    + - + spark_fraud_detection
    |   |
    |   + - + Model construction and classification
    |   |
    |   + - + (variables)
    |   |
    |   + - + Data retrieval from Amazon S3
    |   |
    |   + - + Spark initialization and main
    |   |
    |   + - + Data preprocessing (removing outliers and balancing)
    |   |
    |   + - + Results evaluation phase
    |   |
    |   + - + Utility functions
    |   |
    |   + - + (variables)
    + - + Terraform main
    + - + Terraform success output
    + - + Terraform variables


Download required resources and configure credentials

  1. Download and install Terraform

  2. Download this repository

git clone
  1. Get your credentials from aws console and set them in the "terraform.tfvars"

  2. Get a .pem AWS key (following the docs) and put it in the root of the project. Call it amzkey

  3. Go to the project root

cd spark_fraud_detection
  1. Generate a ssh key called localkey (you are in the root of the project)
ssh-keygen -f localkey
  1. Remember to change the permissions of the amzkey.pem
chmod 400 amzkey.pem

Launch Terraform

  1. Now you are ready to execute Terraform. Launch
terraform init

and then

terraform apply

It requires some time...

If all it's ok skip the following section, otherwise you probably have an error related to the subnet id.

Fix subnet-id error

If you have an error related to the subnet-id:

  1. Open the aws terminal from the aws console and paste this command:
aws ec2 describe-subnets
  1. Copy the value of the field "subnet-id" of the second subnet and paste it as value of the field "subnet-id" in the file ""

  2. Ensure that the IPs in the variables "namenode_ips" and "datanode_ips" are included in the subnet, if not change them in:

  • ./


variable "namenode_ips" {
    description = "the IPs for the namenode instances (each IP must be compatible with the subnet_id)"
    default = {
        "0" = "" # change it


variable "datanodes_ips" {
    description = "the IPs for the datanode instances (each IP must be compatible with the subnet_id)"
    default = {
        "0" = "" # change it
        "1" = "" # change it
        "2" = "" # change it
        "3" = "" # change it
        "4" = "" # change it
        "5" = "" # change it


  • ./configuration_files/hosts.txt (namenode ips and datanode ips, don't change the hostnames)
  • ./spark_fraud_detection/ (conf_variables["master_ip"])
conf_variables = {
    "master_ip": "" if conf['REMOTE'] else "",
    "master_port": "7077" if conf["REMOTE"] else "<YOUR_MASTER_PORT>",
    "protocol": "spark://"

change in "master_ip" before the "if"

Launch Terraform again with "terraform apply"

Connect to the namenode instance

  1. Connect to the namenode instance using ssh
ssh -i <PATH_TO_SPARK_TERRAFORM>/amzkey.pem ubuntu@<PUBLIC_DNS>

you can find the <PUBLIC_DNS> of the namenode instance in the output of terraform apply when the configuration ends.

  1. After login execute on the master (one by one):
$HADOOP_HOME/sbin/ start historyserver
$SPARK_HOME/sbin/ spark://s01:7077
  1. Configure your aws credential
aws configure

put, when required, the same values used in the file terraform.tfvars IMPORTANT: region is 'us-east-1'

  1. Launch the application
/opt/spark-3.0.1-bin-hadoop2.7/bin/spark-submit --packages com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk:1.7.4,org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:2.7.7,org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:2.7.7 --master spark://s01:7077  --executor-cores 2 --executor-memory 14g
  1. Remember to do terraform destroy to delete your EC2 instances


**Required only to customize the configuration: nothing in this section is necessary for normal operation.

The editable params are organized in 2 files:

  • ./spark_fraud_detection/
  • ./spark_fraud_detection/
  • ./

./spark_fraud_detection/ (don't edit)

Name Type Description Default
REMOTE bool local/remote configuration True
VERBOSE bool enable log in the standard output True


Name Type Description Default
path_variables["java_home"] string the path of the Java installation "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64"
path_variables["spark_home"] string the path of the Spark with Hadoop installation "/opt/spark-3.0.1-bin-hadoop2.7/"
spark_args string the arguments for spark "--packages com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk:1.7.4,org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:2.7.7,org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:2.7.7 --master spark://s01:7077 --executor-cores 2 --executor-memory 20g"
app_info["app_name"] string the name for the Spark app "FraudDetection"
conf_variables["master_ip"] string the Spark master ip (the same of the namenode IP) ""
conf_variables["master_port"] string the Spark master port "7077"
data_load_variables["use_lite_dataset"] bool a flag for load a lite dataset (only for testing data load) False
data_load_variables["bucket"] string the name of the S3 bucket "marinimau"
data_load_variables["dataset_name"] string the name of the dataset inside the bucket "1.csv"
data_load_variables["lite_dataset_name"] string the name of the lite dataset inside the bucket "1_lite.csv"
preprocessing_variables["balance_dataframe"] bool flag to enable dataset balancing True
preprocessing_variables["remove_outliers"] bool flag to enable outlier remotion False
preprocessing_variables["remove_threshold"] integer remotion threshold True
classifier_variables["percentage_split_training"] float percentage (in decimal values) for the training set 0.8
classifier_variables["training_test_spit_seed"] int the seed for the randm splitting 698


Name Type Description Default
region string The region for your EC2 instances us-east-1
access_key string Your AWS access key (don't change here)
secret_key string Your AWS secret key (don't change here)
token string Your AWS token (don't change here) null
instance_type string EC2 instance type m5.xlarge
ami_image string AMI code for the EC2 instances (OS image) ami-0885b1f6bd170450c
key_name string The name of the local key localkey
key_path string The directory that contain the local key .
aws_key_name string The name of the key generated on AWS amzkey
amz_key_path string The path of the key generated on AWS ./amzkey.pem
subnet_id string The subnet-id for ec2 (see instructions) subnet-1eac9110
namenode_count integer The number of namenode EC2 instances 1
datanode_count integer The number of datanode EC2 instances 3
namenode_ips list The IPs for the namenode EC2 instances ["0" = ""]
namenode_hostnames list The hostnames for the namenode EC2 instances ["0" = "s01"]
datanode_ips list The IPs for the namenode EC2 instances ["0" = "", ..., "5" = "]
datanode_hostnames list The hostnames for the datanode EC2 instances ["0" = "s01", ..., "5" = "s07"]
local_app_path string The local path for your app (Python files) ./spark_fraud/detection/
remote_app_path string The remote destination path for your app (Python files) /home/ubuntu/
local_configuration_script_path string The local path of the configuration script ./
remote_configuration_script_path string The remote destination of the configuration script /tmp/
local_configuration_files_path string The local path of the configuration files ./configuration_files/
remote_configuration_files_path string The remote destination of the configuration files /home/ubuntu/

Python dependencies



Classification results


#Datanode instances Time in seconds
1 58.0740
2 57.3653
3 57.3412
4 57.2536
5 56.9027
6 56.4193

Time Results
