This is a complex task manager like project built in demonstrating the React fundamentals of state, components and properties. The use and benefit of TypeScript and Vite with React will be showed too.
Technologies | Project | How to execute? | Inspirations
React Js - JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
TypeScript - JavaScript superset to help in React apps.
- ⚡ Vite - A build tool to facilitate development experience using React and for other modern web projects.
You can access the project here:
The Student Register app is an application that makes the register of students. We can register students, delete, update and manage the students status in the list (completed or not).
This project was made to learn and improve the knowledge of the basics concepts in React like the manipulation of State, the props and component.
You can access the project here: link
- Clone the repository;
- Install the dependencies:
yarn install
- Execute the server with:
yarn dev
- Access the link available in your localhost.
- Coders Club class and project.
Made with 💜 by me!