This is an overview of how to use action lists, awesome data structures that make doing stuff sequentially awesome.
typedef struct {
ALIST actions;
CDATA_FOO *data = (CDATA_FOO *)data;
Note: do this in frameUpdate or logicUpdate, not both.
CDATA_FOO *data = (CDATA_FOO *)data;
EV_UPDATE *updateEvent = (EV_UPDATE *)event;
al_update(&data->actions, updateEvent->dt);
CDATA_FOO *data = (CDATA_FOO *)data;
ACTION *action = action_create(data, update, onStart, onEnd, blocking, duration);
- data - void pointer to whatever you want (probably your component's data) (or NULL)
- update - function pointer, (see "Action functions," below) (or NULL)
- onStart - function pointer, (see "Action functions," below) (or NULL)
- onEnd - function pointer, (see "Action functions," below) (or NULL)
- blocking - whether or not this action is blocking
- duration - length of this action, in seconds
Assuming you're doing something like:
ACTION *action = action_create(NULL, foo_update, foo_onStart, foo_onEnd, false, 1.5f);
This is how the functions should look:
foo_update(ACTION *action, float dt) {
// This will be called every update, assuming you put al_update() in your
// update event function properly.
foo_onStart(ACTION *action) {
// This will be called once, when your action finally "gets to" start
foo_onEnd(ACTION *action) {
// This will be called once, when your action is about to be finished.
// This will also be called if you prematurely destroy your action list and
// this action has already "begun" (i.e. its onStart was called).
After creating your action, you must insert it into the action list using one of the following functions.
al_pushFront(&data->actions, action); // Put at FRONT of action list (this will happen like immediately)
al_pushBack(&data->actions, action); // Put at BACK of action list (this will happen after everything else)
al_insertBefore(&data->actions, someOtherAction, action) // insert BEFORE (sooner than) someOtherAction
al_insertAfter(&data->actions, someOtherAction, action) // insert AFTER (later than) someOtherAction
You don't need to separate the action creation and insertion; why not just do it all on one line?
al_pushFront(&data->actions, action_create(NULL, foo_update, foo_onStart, foo_onEnd, false, 1.5f));