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GitHub Action

GitHub repository operations


GitHub repository operations


GitHub repository operations

Github Action to interact with the github repository


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: GitHub repository operations

uses: jikuma/githubaction@v0.3.3-alpha

Learn more about this action in jikuma/githubaction

Choose a version

Supported Operations

create a release

  - uses: jikuma/githubaction@v0.3.0-alpha
        operation: 'create a release'
        repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        release_title: 'Release from Test'
        release_note: 'its a release node'
        asset_filepath: './'
        tag_name: v0.1.GIHUB_SHORT_SHA


See the walkthrough located here.

In addition to walking your through how to create an action, it also provides strategies for versioning, releasing and referencing your actions.