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GitHub Action

Publish CloudZero CostFormation

v1.0.2 Latest version

Publish CloudZero CostFormation


Publish CloudZero CostFormation

Publish a new version of CloudZero CostFormation definition to the CloudZero platform


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Publish CloudZero CostFormation

uses: Cloudzero/cloudzero-action-publish-costformation@v1.0.2

Learn more about this action in Cloudzero/cloudzero-action-publish-costformation

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Publish CloudZero CostFormation

This is a GitHub action to publish CloudZero CostFormation definitions to the CloudZero platform. It will only perform a full publish when running on a specified branch


      - name: <name>
        uses: Cloudzero/cloudzero-action-publish-costformation@v1.0.2
          file: <path to definitions file>
          api-key: <CloudZero platform API key (should be taken from environment secrets)>
          validate-only: <true|false>


# Example workflow using publish actions

name: Publish CloudZero CostFormation


  # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    environment: production
      # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      # The next two job steps are configured to be mutually exclusive.
      # "Validate Definitions" runs on all branches BUT main. This job step uses the publish API, but sets the field 'validate_only' to true
      # so that the definitions are not actually published, but only validated. NOTE: This step is not needed on main because the validation
      # will happen as part of the publish.
      # "Publish Definitions" runs only on the main branch. This job step calls the same API, but sets the field 'validate_only' to false.
      # This causes the definitions to get published if they pass the validation.

      - name: Validate Definitions
        if: github.ref != 'main'  # Do not run this on the main branch because the 'Publish Definitions' step will perform the validation.
        uses: Cloudzero/cloudzero-action-publish-costformation@v1.0.2
          file: src/
          api-key: ${{ secrets.CZ_API_KEY }}
          validate-only: true  # This setting causes the definitions to be validated and then the results of the validation returned without actually publishing the definitions.

      - name: Publish Definitions
        if: github.ref == 'main'  # Only run this on the main branch so definitions that have not been reviewed are not actually published.
        uses: Cloudzero/cloudzero-action-publish-costformation@v1.0.2
          file: src/
          api-key: ${{ secrets.CZ_API_KEY }}
          validate-only: false  # This setting causes the definitions to be validated and then published if they pass validation.

In the above example secrets.CZ_API_KEY is the organization's API key for the CloudZero platform and is stored in the environment production. The definitions are only published when pushed to the branch main and all other branches perform validation of the definitions.