GitHub Action
StackSpot AI Remote Quick Command Action
StackSpot AI Remote Quick Command Action
This action forwards an input_data
to a StackSpot AI remote quick command and returns a JSON as answer (github action output) to be manipulated in future steps for customizable operations.
Note: This action is supported on all operating systems.
For this action to work, be sure you configured your Remote Quick Command prompt on StackSpot AI with a JSON object as output.
Example (cf test pipelines above):
Check security vulnerabilities describe the vulnerabilities and fix the selected code {{input_data}}
Your answer should just be following the JSON structure below:
"title": "<TITLE>",
"severity": "<SEVERITY>",
"correction": "<CORRECTION>"
Where the "title" would be a string resuming the vulnerability in 15 words maximum.
Where the "severity" would be a string representing the impact of the vulnerability, using critical, high, medium or low.
Where the "correction" would be a code suggestion to resolve the issue identified.
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Save test data
id: input_data
run: |
# something to generate an $input_data
- uses: GuillaumeFalourd/stackspot-ai-rqc@v1
id: rqc
CLIENT_ID: ${{ secrets.CLIENT_ID }}
CLIENT_KEY: ${{ secrets.CLIENT_KEY }}
INPUT_DATA: ${{ steps.input_data.outputs.<OUTPUT_NAME> }}
- name: Check Remote Quick Command answer
run: echo ${{ toJSON(steps.rqc.outputs.rqc_result) }}
Field | Mandatory | Default Value | Observation |
CLIENT_ID | YES | N/A | StackSpot Client ID. |
CLIENT_KEY | YES | N/A | StackSpot Client KEY. |
CLIENT_REALM | YES | N/A | StackSpot Client Realm. |
QC_SLUG | YES | N/A | StackSpot Remote Quick Command reference |
INPUT_DATA | YES | N/A | Data that will be received and analyzed by the remote quick command |
Field | Observation |
rqc_result | Can be accessed by using ${{ toJSON(steps.rqc.outputs.rqc_result) }} |
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