<img src=/docs/waterbutler.png?raw=true" width="25%" style="float:left;">
Docs can be found here
In order to run waterbutler, you must have a virtualenv created for waterbutler running python3.4.
For MacOSX, you can install the latest version of python3 using:
brew install python3
For Ubuntu users:
apt-get install python3
After completing the installation of Python 3, you must create the virtual environment, this can be done with the following commands:
pip install virtualenv
pip install virtualenvwrapper
mkvirtualenv --python=python3 waterbutler
pip install invoke
invoke install
invoke server
The above code will get the virtualenv up and running for the first time. After the initial setup, you can run waterbutler by running:
workon waterbutler
invoke server
vim ~/.cos/waterbutler-test.json
waterbutler-test.json, e.g.
"HMAC_SECRET": "changeme"
"ADDRESS": "localhost",
"PORT": 7777,
"DOMAIN": "http://localhost:7777",
"DEBUG": true,
"HMAC_SECRET": "changeme"
"API_URL": "http://localhost:5000/api/v1/files/auth/"
To run all the tests you will need install some requirements, so try running:
workon waterbutler
invoke install --develop
invoke test
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