Simple code to download your series or movies from and save as xlsx
-Install node
-Execute npm install
-Then you need configre your config file located on ./config/userConfig.json
{ "username": "your traktTV username",
"authorizeCode": "authorize code generated after clicking on Authorize inside your api APPS",
"clientID": "found on your api APPS",
"clientSecret": "found in your api APPS",
"authToken": "generated after you set yout username, authorizeCode, clientID and clientSecret and execute*"
*node traktApi.js getBearer
After configure your userConfig file, execute the code below to set your authToken:
node traktApi.js getBearer
If the token expires, get another authorizeCode on the site and run getBearer again
Then you can execute one of the two codes to get your movies or your shows:
node traktApi.js movies
node traktApi.js shows