endpoint | method | payload | description |
/answer | POST |
{ "assignQuiz": {"id" : 2}, "validation": {"id" : 3} } |
create a answer |
/answer/{id} | GET |
- |
find answer by id |
/answer/{id} | DELETE |
- |
delete answer by id |
/answer/{id} | PUT |
{ "assignQuiz": {"id" : 2}, "validation": {"id" : 3} } |
edit a answer |
/answer | GET |
- |
get all levels |
endpoint | method | payload | description |
/assignquiz | POST |
{ "student": { "id" : 2 }, "quiz": {"id":2}, "score": 50, "chance": 5, "notes": "jme3 **** had lmra", "date": "2023-12-12" } |
create a assignquiz |
/assignquiz/{id} | GET |
- |
find assignquiz by id |
/assignquiz/{id} | DELETE |
- |
delete assignquiz by id |
/assignquiz/{id} | PUT |
{ "student": { "id" : 2 }, "quiz": {"id":2}, "score": 50, "chance": 5, "notes": "jme3 **** had lmra", "date": "2023-12-12" } |
edit a assignquiz |
/assignquiz | GET |
- |
get all assignquizs |
endpoint | method | payload | description |
/level | POST |
{ "description": "mediem", "maxPoints": 0, "minPoints": 0 } |
create a level |
/level/{id} | GET |
- |
find level by id |
/level/{id} | DELETE |
- |
delete level by id |
/level/{id} | PUT |
{ "description": "mediem", "maxPoints": 0, "minPoints": 0 } |
edit a level |
/level | GET |
- |
get all levels |
endpoint | method | payload | description |
/media | POST |
{ "src": "/Media/ahmedsoultan/", "type": "MP4", "question": { "id" : 1 } } |
create a media |
/media/{id} | GET |
- |
find media by id |
/media/{id} | DELETE |
- |
delete media by id |
/media/{id} | PUT |
{ "src": "/Media/ahmedsoultan/", "type": "MP4", "question": { "id" : 1 } } |
edit a media |
/media | GET |
- |
get all medias |
endpoint | method | payload | description |
/questionofquiz | POST |
{ "question": {"id" : 2}, "quiz": {"id" : 2} } |
create a questionofquiz |
/questionofquiz/{id} | GET |
- |
find questionofquiz by id |
/questionofquiz/{id} | DELETE |
- |
delete questionofquiz by id |
/questionofquiz/{id} | PUT |
{ "question": {"id" : 2}, "quiz": {"id" : 2} } |
edit a questionofquiz |
/questionofquiz | GET |
- |
get all questionofquizs |
endpoint | method | payload | description |
/question | POST |
{ "question": "what is the first rap album?", "numberOfAnswers": 1, "numberOfCorrectAnswers": 1, "questionType": null, "points": 0, "time": 0, "level": { "id" : 1 }, "subject": { "id" : 2 } } |
create a question |
/question/{id} | GET |
- |
find question by id |
/question/{id} | DELETE |
- |
delete question by id |
/question/{id} | PUT |
{ "question": "what is the first rap album?", "numberOfAnswers": 1, "numberOfCorrectAnswers": 1, "questionType": null, "points": 0, "time": 0, "level": { "id" : 1 }, "subject": { "id" : 2 } } |
edit a question |
/question | GET |
- |
get all questions |
endpoint | method | payload | description |
/quiz | POST |
{ "successResult": 19, "answerAccess": false, "resultAccess": false, "numberOfChances": 5, "comment": "3la 10 dh", "teacher": { "id" : 1 } } |
create a quiz |
/quiz/{id} | GET |
- |
find quiz by id |
/quiz/{id} | DELETE |
- |
delete quiz by id |
/quiz/{id} | PUT |
{ "successResult": 19, "answerAccess": false, "resultAccess": false, "numberOfChances": 5, "comment": "3la 10 dh", "teacher": { "id" : 1 } } |
edit a quiz |
/quiz | GET |
- |
get all quizs |
endpoint | method | payload | description |
/response | POST |
{ "response": "the weekend is rnb artist" } |
create a response |
/response/{id} | GET |
- |
find response by id |
/response/{id} | DELETE |
- |
delete response by id |
/response/{id} | PUT |
{ "response": "the weekend is rnb artist" } |
edit a response |
/response | GET |
- |
get all responses |
endpoint | method | payload | description |
/student | POST |
{ "lastName": "marouane", "firstName": "ait elhaj", "dateOfBirth": "2004-12-06", "address": "Attauia", "enrollmentDate": "2023-11-15", "quizzes": null } |
create a student |
/student/{id} | GET |
- |
find student by id |
/student/{id} | DELETE |
- |
delete student by id |
/student/{id} | PUT |
{ "lastName": "marouane", "firstName": "ait elhaj", "dateOfBirth": "2004-12-06", "address": "Attauia", "enrollmentDate": "2023-11-15", "quizzes": null } |
edit a student |
/student | GET |
- |
get all students |
endpoint | method | payload | description |
/subject | POST |
{ "name": "drill", "top" : { "id" : 2 } } |
create a subject |
/subject/{id} | GET |
- |
find subject by id |
/subject/{id} | DELETE |
- |
delete subject by id |
/subject/{id} | PUT |
{ "name": "drill", "top" : { "id" : 2 } } |
edit a subject |
/subject | GET |
- |
get all subjects |
endpoint | method | payload | description |
/teacher | POST |
{ "question": { "id": 6 }, "response": { "id": 2 }, "points": 0, "correct": false } |
create a teacher |
/teacher/{id} | GET |
- |
find teacher by id |
/teacher/{id} | DELETE |
- |
delete teacher by id |
/teacher/{id} | PUT |
{ "question": { "id": 6 }, "response": { "id": 2 }, "points": 0, "correct": false } |
edit a teacher |
/teacher | GET |
- |
get all teachers |
endpoint | method | payload | description |
/validation | POST |
{ "question": { "id": 6 }, "response": { "id": 2 }, "points": 0, "correct": false } |
create a validation |
/validation/{id} | GET |
- |
find validation by id |
/validation/{id} | DELETE |
- |
delete validation by id |
/validation/{id} | PUT |
{ "question": { "id": 6 }, "response": { "id": 2 }, "points": 0, "correct": false } |
edit a validation |
/validation | GET |
- |
get all validations |