The Channel Interpretation Python Package is a tool that allows you to perform channel interpretation
using the PxPermute
method as well as adapted pixel-wise interpretation methods implemented via captum library.
It helps you analyze and interpret the contributions of individual channels in your data.
First, make sure you have poetry installed.
Set up a virtual environment and install the package dependencies using Poetry:
poetry install
For using the package, your data has to have the structure described in scifAI documentation.
Before running the interpretation method on your data, update a configuration file (config.cfg) according to your needs. You can find an example of the configuration file in the repository. The configuration file consists of the following sections:
- [general] - contains parameters like device, batch_size ad num_workers.
- [data] - contains information about the data you want to interpret: path to the data file, the channels to interpret with the corresponding names and other parameters to normalize your data.
- [interpretation] - contains information about the interpretation method you want to use. You can specify the shuffle_times for PxPermute, and some other parameters used for captum interpretation methods.
- [model] - contains path to the model.
Run the package using the following command:
poetry run python --method <interpretationn_method> --output-path <path_to_output_file>
Per default, the output file will be saved in the
folder, and the method will bePxPermute
. -
The output are plots showing the contributions of individual channels in your data.
Currently, the package works only with ResNet-18 model. To run interpretation methods on your own model, you have to adjust the
file. The function should return the model.
Choose from a variety of interpretation methods to analyze your data:
- PxPermute
- DeepLift
- GuidedGradCam
- Saliency
- DeepLiftShap
- GradientShap
- InputXGradient
- IntegratedGradients
- GuidedBackprop
- Deconvolution
- Occlusion
- FeaturePermutation
- ShapleyValueSampling
- Lime
- KernelShap