Simply copy and paste the 16S_rDNA_script_run file into the directory containing the 16S_rDNA_script.R or 16S_rDNA_script_edt_compound_gene.R, otu_table_tax.spf, and mapping_file.txt files.
No further installation is necessary.
Double click the 16S_rDNA_script_run file and select the R script to run. The open it. While it is running, a dialogue box will remain open. This box closes when the analysis has finished.
Other option is, instead, open the 16S_rDNA_script.R or 16S_rDNA_script_edt_compound_gene.R, select the script and modify the "/PATH/TO/WORK/DIRECTORY/".
Need to have R and the following packages installed through it:
- psych;
- pvclust;
- gplots;
- PMCMRplus;
- ggbiplot;
- vegan.
Contribution are welcome and should be emailed to tiagofalconlopes at gmail . com.
Tiago Falcon - Nucleo de Bioinformatica CPE/HCPA
Review and testing:
Martiela Freitas - Nucleo de Bioinformatica CPE/HCPA
Ana C. Mello - Nucleo de Bioinformatica CPE/HCPA
Laura Coutinho - Nucleo de Bioinformatica CPE/HCPA
Ursula Matte - Nucleo de Bioinformatica CPE/HCPA
We thank for the fellowship from Programa Nacional de Pós-Doutorado (PNPD) CAPES/HCPA to TF (Process no.: 88887.160608/2017-00), and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for the fellowships provided to MF (Process no.: 140002/2018-9) and UM (Process no.: 307038/2015-7). This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001. We also thank FIPE/HCPA for financial support.