2D games with HTML, CSS & plain vanilla JavaScript, no frameworks and no libraries! From sprite animation to state management.
✏️ Course by Frank's Laboratory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFO_txvwK_c&t=16754s
- 🕹 Project 1: Vanilla JavaScript sprite animation techniques
- 🕹 Project 2: Parallax backgrounds with JavaScript
- 🕹 Project 3: Enemy movement patterns
- 🕹 Project 4: Collision animations from a sprite sheet
- 🕹 Project 5: Point & shoot game
- 🕹 Project 6: Enemy variety in JavaScript games
- 🕹 Project 7: Side-scroller game with mobile support
- 🕹 Project 8: State management in JavaScript games
- 🕹 Project 9: Final endless runner game with all the features