A-OK protocol implementation for Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Tested with AM25-1.2/30-MEL-P motors and AC202-02 RF receivers.
Special thanks to Jason von Nieda for his contribution on reverse engineering the protocol and checksum (akirjavainen#1).
Capture your remote controls with RemoteCapture.ino and copy paste the 65 bit commands to A-OK.ino for sendAOKCommand(). More info about this provided in RemoteCapture.ino.
- Set the motor or receiver into pairing mode with its PROGRAM button.
- Check the instructions on whether you need to send the pairing command ("sendAOKCommand(AOK_PROGRAM_EXAMPLE);") or UP command ("sendAOKCommand(AOK_UP_EXAMPLE);"). Typically you need to transmit within 10 seconds.
- Now you can control the motor, e.g. "sendAOKCommand(AOK_DOWN_EXAMPLE);" (or AOK_UP_EXAMPLE, AOK_STOP_EXAMPLE etc.).
Setting limits for roller shade motors is quicker with the remotes, although you can use your Arduino for that as well.