A React app that consumes SpaceX Open Source API with GraphQL and Apollo Client
I wanted to learn how to setup a GraphQL server and client from scratch and how to consume the queries I'd create with my schemas. With this study I was able to understand how to do that and better develop my skills with the BFF pattern. The style and React app weren't priority here so the visuals are simple, using pre-made themes.
- GraphQL for schemas
- Apollo Client React for consuming queries
- React for client app
- Bootsmash for visuals
- SpaceX-API to show some awesome data
- Refactoring so the client uses only functional components
- Find a way to deploy the app since I've run into some trouble
- Add some interesting dev tools such as Prettier, Eslint...
- Add TypeScript just for the sake of it
This project was based on Traversy Media tutorials. Check them out!