This project is a fastlane plugin.
This will create a new merge request on GitLab.
To get started with fastlane-plugin-create_merge_request
, add it to your project by running:
fastlane add_plugin create_merge_request
Check out the example Fastfile
to see how to use this plugin. Try it by cloning the repo, running fastlane install_plugins
api_token: "secret",
project_id: "1000", # Gitlab Project ID
title: "Amazing new feature",
body: "Please pull this in!", # optional
source: "branch_name", # optional Name of the branch where your changes are implemented (defaults to the current branch name)
target: "develop", # optional Name of the branch you want your changes pulled into (defaults to `master`)
assignee_id: "1773700", # optional Assignee user ID
labels: "bot", # optional Labels for MR as a comma-separated list
milestone_id: "1", # optional The global ID of a milestone
api_url: "http://yourdomain/api/v4" # optional, for GitLab self-host, defaults to ""
For any other issues and feedback about this plugin, please submit it to this repository.
If you have trouble using plugins, check out the Plugins Troubleshooting guide.
For more information about how the fastlane
plugin system works, check out the Plugins documentation.
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