- Python 3 (so far, it works with Python 3, but if there are problems, try Python 2)
- Git Bash
- Python 3.8.10 (Window WSL2 Ubuntu)
- Python 3.9.8 (See latest versions)
- Python must be 3.9.x or earlier or PyTorch will not work
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install python3-venv python3-tk
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
- Python 3.9.4
brew install python-tk
$ git clone git@github.com:masaok/pacman-agent.git
$ cd pacman-agent
$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/Scripts/activate # Windows Git Bash only
$ source env/bin/activate # Mac / Linux only
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 -u environment.py -h # Show command-line help
$ python3 -u environment.py # Run the app and show the GUI
$ deactivate # exit virtual environment
Download and install VcXsrv from here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vcxsrv/
When running it (it's called XLaunch in Windows), make sure to check this box:
Also, add this to your .bash_profile
and source
export DISPLAY=$(awk '/nameserver / {print $2; exit}' /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null):0
Verify that VcXsrv is running correctly by testing Xcalc:
Also, make this change in the code whereever torch.load
is called:
Run the real thing:
python3 -u environment.py
- PacmanAgent: Contains all of the logic for the agent controlling Pacman
- PacmanTrainer: Contains the logic for training Pacman using Pytorch for deep imitation learning.
- Environment: Contains the game logic and is largely structured in the same way as the Wumpus World / Blindbot's environment
- A constructor, parameterized by the Pacman Trainer's array-of-strings maze representation, that initializes all of the maze variables, as follows:
- The maze structure, where walls are located, and thus what legal moves are available in any position.
- The sets and positions of all game actors (beginning with their provided starting positions), including:
- Pacman
- Ghosts
- Pellets
- Pacman's score (# of pellets eaten)
- Determining game-ending conditions (viz., Pacman getting eaten by a ghost or eating every pellet)
- Rendering the maze elements (in their basic array-of-strings format like in the Pacman Trainer) in terms of their graphical equivalents
- Actors in the environment take turns acting, so the environment determines what happens on every "tick" or turn of a running game:
- The PacmanAgent's chooseAction method is called with the current game state, and its action choice is enacted (if it's not a legal action, i.e., one that runs it into a wall, it does nothing that turn).
- If Pacman eats a pellet, it is removed from the board and the score is incremented
- If Pacman moves onto a ghost's tile, it dies and the game's over
- All ghosts make an action choice governed by a coin-flip: 10% of the time, it will choose randomly, and the other 90%, it will take a step that brings it closer to Pacman. You can use / adapt the Pathfinder class I gave in the BlindBot package to help with pathfinding or just do something basic like looking at the Manhattan distance between a ghost and Pacman and then choosing the action that minimizes it.
- The PacmanAgent's chooseAction method is called with the current game state, and its action choice is enacted (if it's not a legal action, i.e., one that runs it into a wall, it does nothing that turn).
- A constructor, parameterized by the Pacman Trainer's array-of-strings maze representation, that initializes all of the maze variables, as follows:
- MazeUI: Given a Tk "root window", draw a Tk Canvas on it and all the blocks, characters, and items that make up a maze
To view the accompanying exercise binding Pacman Trainer and Agent, see the EXERCISE.md instructions.