# Drug Prediction App
## Overview
This application leverages a machine learning model to predict the most suitable drug for a patient based on their clinical characteristics. It's built with Python and Streamlit, offering a user-friendly interface for seamless interaction.
## Installation
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/maskedwolf4/Drug-Prediction.git
Create a virtual environment (recommended):
python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate # (Linux/macOS) venv\Scripts\activate.bat # (Windows)
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
## Usage
Run the app:
streamlit run dpapp.py
Enter patient information:
- Age
- Na_to_K ratio
- Sex (M or F)
- Blood pressure (LOW, NORMAL, or HIGH)
- Cholesterol status (Yes or No)
Click "Predict Drug" to view the recommended drug.
## Model Details
- Model type: Random Forest Classifier
- Features:
- Age
- Na_to_K ratio
- Sex (M or F)
- Blood pressure (LOW, NORMAL, or HIGH)
- Cholesterol status (Yes or No)
- Performance metrics: Accuracy = 1
## Disclaimer
- This app is intended for educational and demonstration purposes only.
- It should not be used for actual medical decision-making.
- Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for medical advice.
## Contribute
- Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting issues or pull requests.
## License
- This project is licensed under (Specify the license type, e.g., MIT License).