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My attempt at writing a chaos-monkey for Kubernetes in Go using the client-go


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Chaos Monkey

Golang implementation of the ideas of Netflix's Chaos Monkey natively for Kubernetes clusters.

For this small project I have decided not to use the official Operator Framework for Golang, mainly because I wanted to familiarize with the core concepts of CRDs and Watchers with Golang before adventuring further. In the future I might want to migrate to using the Operator Framework.


The architecture of the Chaos Monkey is fairly simple and all fits in a single Pod. As you can imagine, we rely heavily on Kubernetes' API to react based on what happens inside the cluster.

Four main components are part of the current architecture.

Namespace Watcher

The code for the NamespaceWatcher can be found here.

Its role is to constantly monitor the changes in the Namespaces of the cluster, and start the CRD Watchers for those Namespaces. We start the watch by passing ResourceVersion: "" to the Kubernetes API, which means that the first events we receive are synthetic events (ADD) to help us rebuild the current state of the cluster. After that, we react to both the ADDED and the DELETED events accordingly.

Basically, it spawns a new goroutine with a CRD Watcher every time a new namespace is detected and it stops the corresponding goroutine when a namespace is deleted.

The Namespace can be configured to either monitor all namespaces by default (with an opt-out strategy) or to monitor only the namespaces which contain the label"true".

Check the Configuration paragraph for more details.

CRD Watcher

We make use of a Custom Resource Definition (CRD) in order to trigger the Chaos Monkey. The CRD is defined using the OpenAPI specification, which you can find here.

Following the schema, this is a valid definition of a CRD which can be injected inside of a namespace:

kind: ChaosMonkeyConfiguration
  name: chaosmonkey-nginx
  namespace: target
  enabled: true
  minReplicas: 0
  maxReplicas: 9
  timeout: 10s
    name: nginx
  scalingMode: killPod

The CRD is namespaced, meaning that it must reside inside a Namespace and cannot be created at cluster-level.

The CRD Watcher, similarly to the namespace one, reacts to the ADDED and DELETED events accordingly, creating and stopping goroutines, but it also reacts to the MODIFIED event, making it possible to modify a configuration while the Monkey is running.

Depending on the value of the scalingMode flag, the CRD watcher will either create a DeploymentWatcher or a PodWatcher The difference between the two is highlighted in the right paragraph, but in short: the DeploymentWatcher operates by modifying the spec.replicas field of the Deployment, using the deployment/scale APIs, while the PodWatcher simply deletes a random pod using the same spec.selector value of the targeted Deployment.

As of now, three values are supported by the scalingMode field:

  • randomScale, which will create a DeploymentWatcher, it will randomly modify the scales of the given deployment;
  • killPod, which will create a PodWatcher, it will randomly kill a pod;
  • antiPressure, which will create a AntiPressureWatcher.

Deployment Watcher

This is where the fun begins, the Deployment Watcher is responsible of creating the Chaos inside the cluster. The watcher is associated to a specific deployment (see the example CRD above), and at regular intervals, specified by the spec.timeout field of the CRD, it scales up or down the deployment. This allows us to test both the case where there are less replicas than we need, but also the case when there are more replicas than the cluster can probably handle.

All the fields in the CRDs are mandatory and must be set. There are some simple validations done by Kubernetes itself, which are embedded in the OpenAPI Schema and some other validations are done in the code.

Pod Watcher

This is another point where the fun begins. The Pod Watcher is responsible of creating the Chaos inside the cluster. The watcher is associated with a specific spec.selector field, and at regular intervals, specified by the spec.timeout field of the CRD, it will randomly kill a pod matching the field.

The Pod Watcher ignores the maxReplicas and minReplicas fields of the CRD, thus generating real chaos inside the cluster.

AntiPressure Watcher

This is another point where the fun begins. The AntiPressure Watcher is responsible of creating Chaos inside the cluster by detecting which pod of a given container is using the most CPU and simply kill it. It works the opposite of a classic Horizontal Pod Autoscaler, in the code is often referred to as antiHPA for this reason.

WARNING: for the AntiPressure Watcher to work, your cluster must have a metrics server installed, this often comes installed by default on most Cloud providers. If you want to install it locally, please refer to the terraform configuration included in the project itself.

Deployment inside a Kubernetes Cluster

In order to be able to deploy the ChaosMonkey inside a Kubernetes cluster you must first create a ServiceAccount, followed by a ClusterRole and bind the two together with a ClusterRoleBinding.

After that you need to inject the CRD contained in this repository:

kubectl apply -f ./crds/chaosmonkey-configuration.yaml

Then you can create a classic Deployment, just remember to use your newly created ServiceAccount.

Following is an example of the manifests you should create for the cluster:

kind: Namespace
apiVersion: v1
  name: chaosmonkey
kind: ServiceAccount
apiVersion: v1
  name: chaosmonkey
  namespace: chaosmonkey
kind: ClusterRole
  name: chaosmonkey
  - verbs: ["watch"]
    resources: ["namespaces"]
    apiGroups: ["*"]
  - verbs: ["patch", "get", "scale", "update"]
    resources: ["deployments"]
    apiGroups: ["*"]
  - verbs: ["list", "patch", "watch"]
    resources: ["chaosmonkeyconfigurations"]
    apiGroups: ["*"]
  - verbs: ["update"]
    resources: ["deployments/scale"]
    apiGroups: ["apps"]
  - verbs: ["watch", "delete"]
    resources: ["pods"]
    apiGroups: ["*"]
  - verbs: ["create", "patch"]
    resources: ["events"]
    apiGroups: ["*"]
  - verbs: ["get"]
    resources: ["pods"]
    apiGroups: [""]
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: chaosmonkey-binding
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: chaosmonkey
    namespace: chaosmonkey
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: chaosmonkey
kind: Deployment
apiGroup: apps/v1
  name: chaosmonkey
  namespace: chaosmonkey
  # some fields omitted for clarity
      serviceAccountName: chaosmonkey

A note on CRD

The CRD defines multiple versions of the APIs (at the moment two versions are supported: v1alpha1 and v1). You should always use the latest version available (v1), but there is a conversion endpoint in case you are still using the older version of the API.

The only caveat is that if you need to use the conversion Webhook, you must install the chaosmonkey in a namespace named chaosmonkey and create a service named chaos-monkey for it.

If in doubt, do not use the older version of the API.


There are some configurable parts of the ChaosMonkey (on top of what the CRD already permits of course).

Minimum Log Level: this is configurable using the environment variable CHAOSMONKEY_LOGLEVEL, it accepts the following self explaining values: trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical or panic and it sets the minimum log level for all the logging of the ChaosMonkey.

The value is not case-sensitive, invalid or empty values will make ChaosMonkey default to the info level.

Default Behavior: this is used to configure the way the Namespace Watcher should behave in regards of additions and modifications of namespaces and it uses the environment variable CHAOSMONKEY_BEHAVIOR. It currently accepts two values: AllowAll or DenyAll (not case sensitive).

Setting it to AllowAll means that by default all namespaces are monitored, if you want to opt-out a namespace you must create a new label in the metadata of the namespace:"false", this will make the Watcher ignore that namespace. All values which are not the string false will cause the Watcher to take that namespace into account.

Setting it to DenyAll means that by default all namespaces are ignored, if you want to opt-in a namespace you must create a new label in the metadata of the namespace:"true", this will make the Watcher take that namespace into account. All values which are not the string true will cause the Watcher to ignore that namespace.

Injecting an incorrect value or no value at all will have ChaosMonkey use its default behavior: AllowAll.

Watchers Timeout: not to be confused with the timeout provided by the CRD, this is merely a technical value, it is the timeout for the watch method in Kubernetes. The default value is of 48 hours, which should be good for whatever kind of cluster you are running, but if you want to increase or decrease it you have three different environment variables you can use:

  • CHAOSMONKEY_NS_TIMEOUT to configure the timeout for the Namespace Watcher
  • CHAOSMONKEY_CRD_TIMEOUT to configure the timeout for the CRD Watcher
  • CHAOSMONKEY_POD_TIMEOUT to configure the timeout for the Pod Watcher.

The three environment values expect a string following the specification of the time.ParseDuration method of Golang. Failure in parsing a value will have Chaos Monkey use the default timeout of 48 hours.

It is recommended not to touch these values unless you know what you are doing (spoiler: I do not know what I am doing most of the times).


The Chaos Monkey has two observability endpoints available, both exposed by the HTTP server running at port 9000 (not configurable).


The Chaos Monkey exposes some metrics using the Prometheus library and format, the metrics are all available under the /metrics endpoint.

This is an evolving list of metrics currently exposed, for more details please take a look in the code under the corresponding service (all the services in the watcher folder expose some sort of metrics).

All the events use the prefix chaos_monkey which, for readability issues, is not repeated in the table below.

Name Description Type
nswatcher_events events handled by the nswatcher Counter
nswatcher_event_duration duration of each event in microseconds Histogram
nswatcher_cmc_spawned crd services spawned Counter
nswatcher_cmc_active currently active crd Gauge
nswatcher_restarts timeouts happened from K8S APIs Counter
crdwatcher_events events handled by the crd watcher Counter
crdwatcher_pw_spawned PodWatchers spawned Counter
crdwatcher_pw_active PodWatchers currently active Gauge
crdwatcher_dw_spawned DeploymentWatchers spawned Counter
crdwatcher_dw_active DeploymentWatchers active Gauge
crdwatcher_restarts timeouts happened from K8S APIs Counter
podwatcher_pods_added Pods having been added to the list Counter
podwatcher_pods_removed Pods having been removed from the list Counter
podwatcher_pods_killed Pods having been killed Counter
podwatcher_pods_active Pods currently being targeted Gauge
podwatcher_restarts timeouts happened from K8S APIs Counter
deploymentwatcher_deployments_rescaled deployments having been rescaled Counter
deploymentwatcher_random_distribution random distribution of deployments Histogram
deploymentwatcher_last_scale last value used to scale the deployment Gauge

In the Makefile there is also a target deploy-monitoring used to deploy a very bare bone and simple monitoring stack which includes your classic Prometheus and Grafana, with no persistence enabled. The Grafana will be loaded with three dashboards:

  • node-exporter-full to have some live statistics about your locally running K8S cluster;
  • kube-state-metrics-v2 to have some statistics about the internals of K8S, useful to monitor how the ChaosMonkey is behaving;
  • chaos-monkey, for which the source is available here and exploits some of the metrics of the table above.

Health Endpoint

On top of Prometheus, there is also an endpoint available at /health, which gives some very basic information about the state of the Chaos Monkey. It can be used in Kubernetes for the liveness and readiness probe.


All contributions are welcome, of course. Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. If you want to develop and test locally, you need to install:

  • Golang version 1.22 (it should probably work with older versions too, but this is the version I have used)
  • Docker, latest version but any version will be fine
  • Terraform at least version 1.8.5
  • Kind at least version 0.5.0
  • Kubectl at least version 1.30.1

Unit Tests

The project includes a wide variety of unit tests, which are using the fake client of kubernetes included in the client-go library. The problem is that when testing with mocks, most of the times you end up testing the mocks and not the code. That's the reason why there are also some integration tests included.

For the future, I have plans to completely rewrite the way the tests are run, create more pure functions and test those functions in the unit tests, and let the integration tests do the rest. If you want to help me out in reaching this goal, feel free to open a pull request!

Integration Tests

These tests should cover the basic functionalities of the Chaos Monkey in a local Kubernetes cluster. The script file is here and before launching it you should create the Kubernetes cluster locally, using the included Terraform configuration.

It should be as easy as launching:

$ make cluster-test
$ ./tests/

You can also activate a more verbose logging for the tests with

TEST_DEBUG=true ./tests/


All kinds of contributions are welcome, simply open a pull request or an issue!