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Customizing the pagination items

SamJakob edited this page Dec 18, 2017 · 3 revisions

Description: This guide will show you how to customize the pagination items.
Time: less than 1 minute
Difficulty: 1/5 (Very Easy)

  • Open the class.
  • Locate the comments /* BEGIN: CONFIGURATION */ and /* END: CONFIGURATION */.
  • The values between these comments are values free to customize.


    private static final String CHAT_PREFIX = "&c&lGUI  &c";
    private static final String NO_PREVIOUS_PAGES = "There are no previous pages.";
    private static final String NO_ADDITIONAL_PAGES = "There are no additional pages.";

    private static final String PREVIOUS_PAGE = "&c&lPrevious Page";
    private static final String CURRENT_PAGE = "&c&lPage {currentPage} of {maxPages}";
    private static final String NEXT_PAGE = "&c&lNext Page";


This API is deprecated in favor of my improved rewrite, SpiGUI.

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