This is a simple implementation of the classic Breakout game using Flask for the backend and JavaScript for the frontend. The game features a paddle, a bouncing ball, and blocks to be cleared. The player's goal is to keep the ball bouncing, hitting and clearing the blocks, while avoiding letting the ball fall off the screen.
Make sure you have Python and Flask installed on your system before running this application.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd breakout-flask-app
- Set an environment variable called "FLASK_SECRET_KEY" and set it to your choice.
- Run the Flask application:
- Open your web browser and navigate to to play the Breakout game.
- Move the paddle by moving the mouse within the paddle's container.
- The ball will bounce off the paddle and blocks.
- Clear blocks to score points.
- If the ball falls off the screen, you lose a life.
- Lose all lives, and the game ends.
- The game features different colored blocks with varying point values.
- Dynamic paddle and ball movement.
- Collision detection with blocks.
- Different colored blocks with different point values.
- Paddle size reduction when the ball hits the top wall.
- Special effects for hitting specific color blocks.
- Game over when all lives are lost.
- Score tracking.
Check out the live demo: Live Demo
- The Breakout game logic is implemented using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Flask is used to handle server-side logic and communicate between frontend and backend.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.