Relive the nostalgia of the classic Snake game with a unique twist in the Turtlesim Snake Game repository. Developed using Turtlesim, a popular robot simulator in ROS, this project demonstrates the flexibility and fun of ROS in a game setting. Developed with the aim to increase confidence in fundamental ROS tools such as Subscribers, Publishers, Services, and Parameters, this project provides an engaging and fun way to learn. With the game implemented in both Python and C++, users can explore the differences between the two and hone their skills in each language. Both the scripts are located in src/game/src folder.
The game use turtlesim_node and turtle_teleop_key node to controll the snake. As soon as the game starts, a new turtle spawn, becoming the target to the snake. Once the snake reach the target, it will be moved to the tail of the snake, and a new turtle will be spawn. The game repeat undefinetly... but... stay away from the wall, or the snake will die.
Since this game is based on other packages, turtlesim must be installed first
sudo apt-get install ros-$(rosversion -d)-turtlesim
Then, clone the turtleSnake_game repository:
cd ~/
git clone
Build the project with CATKIN BUILD
cd ~/turtleSnake_game
catkin build
Source the environment
source devel/setup.bash
Launch the game
roslaunch game start_game.launch