This project is an analysis of Donald Trump's tweets. I have parsed and organized the tweets to make them accessible and searchable for the user and done sentiment analysis and topic categorization to help look for trends in the tweets.
- sklearn.decomposition, sklearn.feature_extraction, sklearn.cluster
- nltk.stem, nltk.corpus, nltk.tokenize
- vaderSentiment
- LatentDirichletAllocation
- KMeans
- wordcloud
- textblob
- pandas
- time
- matplotlib
- scipy.stats
- plotly
This project is based on the complete set of Trump's tweets taken from the trump twitter archive ( and extending to the point at which he was banned by twitter.
I ran a variety of sentiment analysis algorithms, including textblob, Naive Bayes and Vader. Vader was the most effective so I created a new dataset including Vader sentiment scores. Then I built an exploratory interface where a user can graph different aspects of the data and look for patterns. For example, plotting the tweet sentiment for some set of search terms over time (see
Finally, I did topic categorization of the tweets, looking to find a connection between the words Trump used that would help in understanding the data. The topic categorization required much more data cleaning (see In this step I also calculated term frequency and created a dictionary of vocabulary used ( For the topic categorization I used LDA and NMF to create clusters of words looking for underlying patterns of terms that would help in analyzing the texts. See for results. I finally wrote a word cloud creating function that allows the user to see what words are most strongly assosciated with each topic (