soliDMFT moved to a new home on github: solid_dmft
This program allows to perform DFT+DMFT ''one-shot'' and CSC calculations from h5 archives or VASP input files for multiband systems using the TRIQS package, in combination with the CThyb solver and SumkDFT from DFT-tools. Runs with triqs 3.x.x
For all calculations the start script is ''.
Written by A. Hampel, M. Merkel, S. Beck, and J. S. Casares from Materials Theory at ETH Zurich.
- main file that runs the calculation and start a CSC flow by
or a one shot calculation directly by invokingdmft_cycle
on a given h5 archive - contains the functions to read the dmft config file. Take a
look in
for a detailed list of parameters - contains the
function that run a predefined number of DMFT iterations - contains the
function to steer the CSC calculation and call then ones per DFT+DMFT cycle thedmft_cycle
function - contains all functions necessary to calculate and write the
observables during the run, which are stored in a general dictionary:
- contains several small helper functions
You can get docker via 'sudo apt install' and then test your docker installation by running 'docker run hello-world'.
Docker runs containers, which are instances of images. To first construct an image, see section CSC calculations locally or Running on CSCS daint. This image can then be called with the 'docker run' command, with helpful flags specified in section Getting started.
To start take a look in the example
directory. There one finds several
examples to run. Best start with the svo-one-shot example. The
file contains the configuration for the DMFT run, which is
explained in the read_config method in the main script. The svo.h5
is the DMFT
input data, which is obtained from projection on localized Wannier functions
(see folder svo-one-shot/converter
Furthermore, there is a
file containing the docstrings from
the main script in a readable format. If one wishes to do CSC calculations the
docker container must contain also a installed VASP version >5.4.4 that
understands the ICHARG=5 flag.
To run the one shot examples one can use the triqs docker images on, , the official ones on , or our own Docker image
under docker
, where VASP is already pre-installed.
then one can run docker from any directory as:
docker run --rm -it -u $(id -u) -v ~/git/d-matl-theory-git/uni-dmft:/work materialstheory/triqs bash
go to the example directory inside the running container and the run it via:
mpirun -n 4 python work/
or run it directly via:
docker run --rm -it -u $(id -u) -v ~/git/d-matl-theory-git/uni-dmft:/work materialstheory/triqs bash -c 'cd /work/tests/svo-one-shot/ && python /work/'
the more elaborate version of the Docker container found in this repo in the
folder Docker
can be best started as:
docker run --rm -it --shm-size=4g -e USER_ID=`id -u` -e GROUP_ID=`id -g` -p 8378:8378 -v $PWD:/work -v /mnt/eth-home/git/d-matl-theory-git/uni-dmft:/uni-dmft triqs_vasp_csc bash
where the -e
flags will translate your current user and group id into the
container and make sure writing permissions are correct for the mounted volumes.
Note also the option --shm-size, which increases shared memory size. This is hard
coded in Docker to 64m and is often not sufficient and will produce SIBUS 7 errors
when starting programs with mpirun! (see also moby/moby#2606).
The '-v' flags mounts a host directory as the docker directory given after the colon.
This way docker can permanently save data; otherwise, it will restart with clean directories each time.
All the flags are explained in 'docker run --help'.
Moreover, you can start by executing
a jupyter-lab server from the current dir.
Here one needs a special docker image with vasp included. This can be done by
building the Dockerfile in /Docker/
docker build -t triqs_vasp_csc -f Dockerfile_MPICH ./
Then start this docker image as done above and go to the directory with all
necessary input files (start with svo-csc
example). You need a pre-converged
CHGCAR and preferably a WAVECAR, a set of INCAR, POSCAR, KPOINTS and POTCAR
files, the PLO cfg file plo.cfg
and the usual DMFT input file
, which specifies the number of ranks for the DFT code and the DFT code executable in the [dft]
The whole machinery is started by calling
as normal. Importantly the flag csc = True
has to be set in the general section in the config file. Then:
mpirun -n 12 /work/
The programm will then run the csc_flow_control
routine, which starts VASP accordingly by spawning a new child process. After VASP is finished it will run the converter, run the dmft_cycle, and then VASP again until the given
limit of DMFT iterations is reached. This should also work on most HPC systems (tested on slurm with OpenMPI), as the the child mpirun call is performed without the slurm environment variables. This tricks slrum into starting more ranks than it has available. Note, that maybe a slight adaption of the environment variables is needed to make sure VASP is found on the second node. The variables are stored args
in the function start_vasp_from_master_node
of the module
One remark regarding the number of iterations per DFT cycle. Since VASP uses a
block Davidson scheme for minimizing the energy functional not all eigenvalues
of the Hamiltonian are updated simultaneously therefore one has to make several
iterations before the changes from DMFT in the charge density are completely
considered. The default value are 6 DFT iterations, which is very
conservative, and can be changed by changing the config parameter n_iter
in the [dft]
section. In general one should use IALGO=90
in VASP, which performs an exact diagonalization rather than a partial diagonalization scheme, but this is very slow for larger systems.
in some directories one can also find example job files to run everything on daint. Note, that one has to first load the desired docker images with sarus on daint: . For a public available image this can be done via:
sarus pull materialstheory/triqs
if you wish to use your pre-build docker image, for example if one wants to include VASP one needs to first save the docker image locally (where one has built it):
docker save --output=triqs-2.1-vasp.tar triqs-2.1-vasp
and then upload it to daint and then load it via:
sarus load /apps/ethz/eth3/daint/docker-images/triqs-2.1-vasp.tar triqs-2.1-vasp
than one can run it has shown in the example files.
I will upload from time to time the most recent docker images into the directory
on daint.
one shot is quite straight forward. Just get the newest version of these scripts, go to a working directory and then create job file that looks like this:
#SBATCH --job-name="svo-test"
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=36
#SBATCH --account=eth3
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-core=1
#SBATCH --constraint=mc
#SBATCH --partition=normal
#SBATCH --output=out.%j
#SBATCH --error=err.%j
srun sarus run --mpi --mount=type=bind,source=$SCRATCH,destination=$SCRATCH --mount=type=bind,source=/apps,destination=/apps load/library/triqs-2.1-vasp bash -c "cd $PWD ; python /apps/ethz/eth3/dmatl-theory-git/uni-dmft/"
thats it. This line automatically runs the docker image and executes the
script. Unfortunately the new sarus container enginge does not mounts automatically user directories. Therefore, one needs to specify with --mount
to mount the scratch and apps folder manually. Then, one executes in the container bash to first go into the current dir and then executes python and the dmft script.
CSC calculations need the parameter csc = True
and the mandatory parameters from the group dft
Then, uni-dmft automatically starts VASP on as many cores as specified.
Note that VASP runs on cores that are already used by uni-dmft.
This minimizes the time that cores are idle while not harming the performance because these two processes are never active at the same time.
A slurm job script should look like this:
#SBATCH --job-name="svo-csc-test"
#SBATCH --time=4:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=4
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=36
#SBATCH --account=eth3
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-core=1
#SBATCH --constraint=mc
#SBATCH --partition=normal
#SBATCH --output=out.%j
#SBATCH --error=err.%j
# path to script
# Sarus image that is utilized
srun --mpi=pmi2 sarus run --mount=type=bind,source=/apps,destination=/apps --mount=type=bind,source=$SCRATCH,destination=$SCRATCH $IMAGE bash -c "cd $PWD ; python $SCRIPTDIR"
Note that here the mpi option is given to the srun
command and not the sarus command, as for one-shot calculations.
This is important for the python to be able to start VASP.
In general I found 1 node for Vasp is in most cases enough, which means that we set n_cores
in the dmft_config.ini to 36 here.
Using more than one node results in a lot of MPI communication, which in turn slows down the calculation significantly.
For a 80 atom unit cell 2 nodes are useful, but for a 20 atom unit cell not at all!
Example use of LOCPROJ for t2g manifold of SrVO3 (the order of the orbitals seems to be mixed up... this example leads to x^2 -y^2, z^2, yz... ) In the current version there is some mix up in the mapping between selected orbitals in the INCAR and actual selected in the LOCPROJ. This is what the software does (left side is INCAR, right side is resulting in the LOCPROJ)
- xy -> x2-y2
- yz -> z2
- xz -> yz
- x2-y2 -> xz
- z2 -> xy
LOCPROJ = 2 : dxz : Pr 1
LOCPROJ = 2 : dx2-y2 : Pr 1
LOCPROJ = 2 : dz2 : Pr 1
However, if the complete d manifold is chosen, the usual VASP order (xy, yz, z2, xz, x2-y2) is obtained in the LOCPROJ. This is done as shown below
LOCPROJ = 2 : d : Pr 1
for a good convergence of the projectors it is important to convergence the wavefunctions to high accuracy. Otherwise this often leads to off-diagonal elements in the the local Green's function. To check convergence pay attention to the rms and rms(c) values in the Vasp output. The former specifies the convergence of the KS wavefunction and the latter is difference of the input and out charge density. Note, this does not necessarily coincide with good convergence of the total energy in DFT! Here an example of two calculations for the same system, both converged down to EDIFF= 1E-10
and Vasp stopped. First run:
N E dE d eps ncg rms rms(c)
DAV: 25 -0.394708006287E+02 -0.65893E-09 -0.11730E-10 134994 0.197E-06 0.992E-05
second run with different smearing:
DAV: 31 -0.394760088659E+02 0.39472E-09 0.35516E-13 132366 0.110E-10 0.245E-10
The total energy is lower as well. But more importantly the second calculation produces well converged projectors preserving symmetries way better, with less off-diagonal elements in Gloc, making it way easier for the solver. Always pay attention to rms.
Some interaction Hamiltonians are sensitive to the order of orbitals (i.e. density-density or Slater Hamiltonian), others are invariant under rotations in orbital space (i.e. the Kanamori Hamiltonian). For the former class and W90-based DMFT calculations, we need to be careful because the order of W90 (z^2, xz, yz, x^2-y^2, xy) is different from the order expected by TRIQS (xy, yz, z^2, xz, x^2-y^2). Therefore, we need to specify the order of orbitals in the projections block (example for Pbnm or P21/n cell, full d shell):
begin projections
# site 0
# site 1
# site 2
# site 3
end projections
Warning: simply using Fe:dxy,dyz,dz2,dxz,dx2-y2
does not work, VASP/W90 brings the d orbitals back to W90 standard order.
The 45-degree rotation for the sqrt2 x sqrt2 x 2 cell can be ignored because the interaction Hamiltonian is invariant under swapping x^2-y^2 and xy.
One can use the official Vasp 5.4.4 patch 1 version with a few modifications:
- there is an bug in
around line 1710 where the code tries print out something like "reading the density matrix from Gamma", but this should be done only by the master node. Adding aIF (IO%IU0>=0) THEN ... ENDIF
around it fixes this - in the current version of the dft_tools interface the file
should contain the fermi energy in the header. Therefore one should replace the following line inlocproj.F
WRITE(99,'(4I6," # of spin, # of k-points, # of bands, # of proj" )') NS,NK,NB,NF
WRITE(99,'(4I6,F12.7," # of spin, # of k-points, # of bands, # of proj, Efermi" )') W%WDES%NCDIJ,NK,NB,NF,EFERMI
and add the variable EFERMI
accordingly in the function call.
- Vasp gets sometimes stuck and does not write the
file correctly due to a stuck buffer. Adding a flush to the buffer to have a correctly writtenOSZICAR
to extract the DFT energy helps, by adding inelectron.F
around line 580 after
two lines:
print *, ' '
- this one is essential vor the current version of the DMFT code. Vasp spends a very long time in the function
and this function is not needed! Is it used for some basic checks and a manual LDA+U implementation. Removing the call to this function inelectron.F
in line 644 speeds up the calculation by up to 30%! If this is not done, Vasp will create a GAMMA file each iteration which needs to be removed manually to not overwrite the DMFT GAMMA file! - make sure that mixing in VASP stays turned on. Don't set IMIX or the DFT steps won't converge!