notebooks (private) Experimetal notebooks for on-going studies
MDToolbox.jl A Julia package for molecular dynamics trajectories analysis and modeling of biomolecules
differentiable test-bed for differeitiable physical parameter optimization
afm (private) AFM data (inc. Myosin-V) and some analysis codes
t1r (private) Taste receptor studies
vhh (private) VHH (nanobody) studies
fugaku (private) Files used on Fugaku supercomputer
capsid Virus capsid studies
fret (private) FRET data analysis and integrative modeling
tutorial on analyzing MD data Tutorial on analyzing MD data
tutorial on hidden Markov modeling Tutorial on hidden Markov modeling
lecture on Machine Learning with Python Notebooks used in the lecture on machine learning
lecture on Machine Learning with Julia Old notebooks used in the lecture on machine learning
lecture on Operations Research Notebooks used in the lecture on operations research
lecture on Ordinary Differential Equations Notebooks used in ODE lecture
differentiable blind tip reconstruction Differentiable BTR for AFM images
paper_mbar MBAR
paper_ogane2022 HMM of HS-AFM data
paper_higashida2021 gREST of VHH