A simple Shiny app to demonstrate the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. But it's for CRAN packages. And Hadley Wickham is Kevin Bacon.
The app demonstrates a use of the {kevinbacran} package for examining the shortest coauthor-paths between any two individuals (or entities) from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).
The app fixes one of those authors as Hadley Wickham given that he is named as author on a large number of packages on CRAN, particularly in the tidyverse suite).
You can read more about the {kevinbacran} package, which underlies this app, in the accompanying blog post.
The app is live on shinyapps.io (so it's throttled at 25 hours of active use per month; I may also take it down at any time).
You can also install the app for local viewing. Run the following from an R session:
shiny::runGitHub("hadley-number", "matt-dray")
It depends on the packages {shiny}, {shinyhelper}, {magrittr} and {kevinbacran}. You can install {kevinbacran} with remotes::install_github("matt-dray/kevinbacran")