Playbook for provisioning two VMs in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) with Docker.
- docker_swarm_centos to create two CentOS VMs in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) with Docker and Docker Swarm
- docker_swarm_debian to create two Debian VMs in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) with Docker and Docker Swarm
Set up properly var fields in file based on your project name. Run the init-script with to set variables and install the ansible binaries
$ source
Set up properly the inventory file and the var fields in playbook.yml based on your needs. Then run the playbook
$ sh
This playbook uses a ansible-role to install and configure docker in the VMs. Please use the following command to install nickjj.docker role with ansible-galaxy.
$ ansible-galaxy install nickjj.docker
$ ansible-galaxy install nickjj.user
[Ref.] (
This playbook uses multiple inventory sources: both static and dynamic inventory (with gcp pluging)