In this repository I collect some of the materials I produced during the Covid-19 crisis. Most of them are in Italian.
At the moment the relevant files are:
- rapporto_italia_short.html : short presentation of the state space method I used to estimate the level and rate of various Covid-19 related time series.
- app1_it.R : the R Shiny app I wrote to track level and rate for the Covid time series. The app runs here:
- app1_ch.R : sama as app1_it.R but for the Helvetic Confederation and its cantons. The app runs here:
- app2_it.R : the R Shiny app I wrote to track and compare among Italian regions the level of new cases and deaths with respect to the region's population and their daily growth rates. The app runs here:
- ColorZones.csv (discontinued because color-zone restrictions change continuously): the daily time series of the color assigned to each Italian region according to its risk. Dates in rows and regions in columns, wih first column containing dates (yyyy-mm-dd). To download the raw csv file use the url: