Make sure you follow the Adafruit setup guide
Download or clone this library into your /libraries/ folder
- First, if you don't have a 'libraries' folder, create it!
- Download:
- Click the DOWNLOADS above, and download a zip of this repo
- Move the whole folder into /libraries/
- Rename the folder to "Spacebrew"
- Clone:
$cd <arduinosketchfolder>/libraries/ $git clone https://github.com/mattfelsen/spacebrew-esp8266.git Spacebrew
Download dependencies:
Edit the Websockets library to turn on 'async' mode
- Open
in arduinoWebSockets/src - Comment out line 57, and uncomment line 58. It should look like this:
- Open
Restart the Arduino IDE, if you had it running!
These should be placed at the top of your sketch:
#include <SPI.h> #include <Spacebrew.h> #include <Ethernet.h> #include <WebSocketClient.h>
- At the top of the file:
Spacebrew sb;
- In setup:
Ethernet.start(mac);//as per the Ethernet library example, where mac is a byte[6]
- In loop:
- range:
sb.addPublish("PubName", RANGE);
sb.addPublish("OtherPubName", 255);
- string:
sb.addPublish("PubStringName", STRING);
sb.addPublish("AnotherStringOutput", "default string");
- boolean:
sb.addPublish("BoolPub", BOOLEAN);
sb.addPublish("Different_Bool", true);
- other:
sb.addPublish("Custom Publisher", "img_url");
- range:
sb.addSubscribe("SubName", RANGE);
sb.addSubscribe("OtherSubName", "range");
- string:
sb.addSubscribe("SubStringName", STRING);
sb.addSubscribe("AnotherStringInput", "string");
- boolean:
sb.addSubscribe("BoolSub", BOOLEAN);
sb.addSubscribe("Different_Bool", "boolean");
- other:
sb.addSubscribe("Custom Subscriber", "crazy_type");
- range: sb.onRangeMessage(receivedRange); and then...
void receivedRange(char* name, int value){ Serial.print("[onRangeMessage]"); Serial.print(name); Serial.print(": "); Serial.println(value); }
- string: sb.onStringMessage(receivedString); and then...
void receivedString(char* name, char* value){ Serial.print("[onStringMessage]"); Serial.print(name); Serial.print(": "); Serial.println(value); }
- boolean: sb.onBooleanMessage(receivedBool); and then...
void receivedBool(char* name, bool value){ Serial.print("[onBoolMessage]"); Serial.print(name); Serial.print(": "); Serial.println(value ? "true" : "false); }
- other: sb.onOtherMessage(receivedOther); and then...
void receivedOther(char* name, char* value){ Serial.print("[onOtherMessage]"); Serial.print(name); Serial.print(": "); Serial.println(value); }
uint8_t mac[] = {0xa4, 0xe7, 0xee, 0x03, 0xfd, 0x32};
sb.connect("sandbox.spacebrew.cc", "Rename_Me", "Inputs and Outputs?");
: the mac address for the Ethernet library to get an IP, may need to be unique"sandbox.spacebrew.cc"
: the address for the computer where you are running the spacebrew server"Rename_Me"
: the name for this client"Inputs and Outputs?"
: a description for this client which will be exposed via the admin
- range:
sb.send("myRangePub", 255);
- string:
sb.send("someStringOutput", "bang!");
- boolean:
sb.send("myBoolPub", true);
- other:
sb.send("customOutput", "img_url", "http://nyopoliticker.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/614px-hallandoatesalbumcover.jpeg");