Interactive map of California counties project/website URL: Creators: Henry Whipps and Tyler Young Fall 2016
index.html -main html/javascript file -content (in order): *Header and js/css links *Website HTML *Preliminary Leaflet functions to create map object, draw geojson file, and create mouseover/ on-click events *Functions to stylize each county *Leaflet controls (legends and menu) *Function to display county info to the right of the map (on click)
datasource.html -contains a table with a source link for all data used in the map
contact.html -contains contact info
CACountyData.js -geoJson file for California counties
Chart.js -chartjs javascript library used for interactive pie chart
w3.css -css file for website nav bar
Leaflet.label-master (folder) -contains Leaflet library files -main leaflet css and js files are in libs/leaflet/
CountySeals (folder) -contains a png for each CA county seal (named 0-57 in alphabetical order)
LocatorMaps (folder) -contains a png for each largest city locator map (named 0-57 in alphabetical order)
- For intermediate files/spreadsheets used to create the map, please contact Henry Whipps or Tyler Young. All data is backed up on a shared google drive and hard drive.