This is a Note Taking app written in Java 11 and Angular 15.
- Java JPA/H2 database created and initialised with sample data -
- Note model and Repository created
- REST endpoint is automatically created by spring-boot-starter-data-rest
- Angular components created
- note-preview
- note-list
- editor - using SyncFusion Rich Text editor lib
- Basic styling in place
- Inter-component event messaging using Subject observables
- GET all functionality to populate a list of notes from the server
- CREATE, POST, PUT, DELETE note functionality
- Write tests - ui and backend
- Improve UI design 😊
- Write Error Handling
- Probably persist the note database to a file
- There's a small bug that the first 5 (i.e. default notes) create attempts will fail due to a re-used Primary Key (ID) error - so fix that.
- Upload images/videos and attachments
- Implement collections of notes (e.g. work, school, personal)
- Search function
- Support for multiple users (and by extension, user auth)
- Website export functionality