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A compiler for the J array programming language.

Getting Started

To build jCompiler, you will need:

To develop jCompiler, you will want to run the tests, which introduce additional dependencies on:

The CircleCI job definitions in this repo invoke the scripts mentioned above when preparing test environments, so they are the authoritative resources as to what exactly is required.

Using the LLVM Backend

$ cargo build --release
$ target/release/jcompiler --backend=llvm <jfile>.ijs
$ ./<jfile>

By default, LLVM use the target architecture of the host machine. You can explicitly choose a target architecture using LLVM target triples:

$ target/release/jcompiler <jfile>.ijs --target=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu

Using the ARM Backend

$ cargo build --release
$ target/release/jcompiler --backend=arm <jfile>.ijs
$ ./<jfile>

Note: the output emitted by this backend most closely matches the configuration "ARM gcc 7.2.1 (none)" with options "-O0 -mfloat-abi=hard".


You can find many examples of J programs in the jlang_programs directory. As one example, compiling this J program:

'Some array operations...'
*: 1 2 3 4
matrix =: 2 3 $ 5 + 2 3 4 5 6 7
10 * matrix
1 + 10 20 30
1 2 3 + 10
residues =: 2 | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

with jcompiler and running the compiled binary will yield the following on stdout:

Some array operations...
1 4 9 16
 70  80  90
100 110 120
11 21 31
11 12 13
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1


The API reference for the master branch is available here, but is out-of-date and incomplete at the moment.