QDSP, short for "Quick Dynamic Scatter Plot" (or alternatively, "Quick and Dirty Scatter Plot") is a lightweight C library for creating dynamic, real-time scatter plots. It was originally created to render phase plots for particle-in-cell plasma simulations.
QDSP uses semantic versioning, so any changes made after 1.0.0 will be backwards-compatible (until I realize that I've made an unforgivable design decision and end up releasing 2.0.0).
So far, QDSP is only ported to Linux. There's a good chance that it will work on Mac, but I haven't tested it. At some point in the near future, I'll redo the build system in CMake and make sure it runs on everything.
QDSP requires the following dependencies, which should be available in most package repositories:
In addition, Doxygen is required to generate easily readable documentation.
To install, just run:
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig
After building, this will install the shared library to /usr/local/lib
, the
header to /usr/local/include
, and resources to /usr/local/share/qdsp
You may
need to add /usr/local/lib
to your system's ldconfig path.
Just put #include <qdsp.h>
in your code and link with -lqdsp.
Documentation can be generated by cd
ing into the docs
directory and running
Look at the file src/example.c
for a basic example of a phase plot with QDSP
(run make example
if you want to try it out). It uses QDSP to render the phase
plot of a 1D PIC simulation.