Monorepo for lyfestori backend
Olle Mattsson / Mattssoft
Note: The project is meant to run with docker compose in a linux environment.
Some of the instructions might assume Debian 12. macOS should also work out of the box for most parts.
- nodejs v18 or later
- npm 9.8.1
- docker 24.0.7 or later
cd common && npm install
- Change and appropriately.
- Change the config filenames to something that is easier to remember, eg., and
- Copy confs to /etc/nginx/sites-available
- Run
certbot --nginx
to obtain ssl certificates for the domains - Restart nginx:
systemctl restart nginx
run docker compose up
in the root folder, this spools up the project with dev flags
- react-admin client runs on `localhost:5173``
- keystone backend runs on
, graphql api and playground runs onlocalhost:3000/api/graphql
- http-api runs on
When changing or updateing the schema, keystone asks for confirmation during startup. This needs manual input by developer. Follow these steps:
- postgres container should be running. Start it with
docker compose up postgres
if needed. - in
, change the keystone config to run commandnpm run null
on startup, this stops keystone from running when the container starts up - start the keystone container with
docker compose up keystone -d
- enter the docker container environment with
docker compose exec keystone /bin/sh
- start keystone with
npx keystone dev
- confirm schema changes
the container environment- revert changes made to
- go about your day
Site configs are available in ./nginx/sites-available
On a new system, copy these files to the nginx sites-available config folder, eg
sudo cp -r nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/
Create the required symlinks in sites-enabled, eg.
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
Test the config
sudo nginx -t
Reload nginx
sudo systemctl reload nginx
sudo /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
test config sudo /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -t -c /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
Increase open file limit (only root can do this)
- login as root (su)
ulimit -n 65535
sudo -u postgres pg_ctl stop -D /Library/PostgreSQL/11/data
Note: Change "11" to currently installed version
THis might happened because a dependency was added to react-admin with npm install.
Fix it by rebuilding the react-admin docker image: docker compose up react-admin --build
This might be an issue with docker. Docker containers can be rebuilt with the --build flag.
Sometimes it might be worth rebuilding the entire project:
docker compose up --build
It is also possible to rebuild only a specific container:
docker compose up react-admin --build
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