A small short API to convert file sizes from e.g. a disk, directory, file to any size.
- Gigabyte to Megabyte
- Terrabyte to Gigabyte
- ... etc.
Just add it to your project via "Right Click > References > Add Reference", then select the DLL and happy converting. ;)
How to add a reference in Visual Studio: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/managing-references-in-a-project?view=vs-2022
Import on top of your file
using FileSizeConverter;
Use like this:
string driveinfo = "Windows";
DriveInfo drive = new DriveInfo(driveinfo);
long size = drive.TotalSize;
string GB = size.ToSize(SizeUnits.GB, DisplayUnitState.Shown)
// Example Output: 2,55GB
Size Units (The value you want to convert the size in):
public enum SizeUnits
Byte, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB, YB
Display Unit State (You want to have only the value or with it's unit state after it):
public enum DisplayUnitState
Hidden: 2,54, Shown: 2,54GB
- no copyright
- free for commertical usage