March 27, 2023 | at Mauricio Mityo Hidani
Project created in Scratch for the CC50 course
The project can be found at the link:
If you want to run in an HTML file:
width="485" height="402" scrolling="no"
LEFT: left directional arrow
RIGHT: right directional arrow
JUMP: up directional arrow
You must get the Purple Gems to get points and escape from the Bats.
ESQUERDA: seta direcional esquerda
DIREITA: seta direcional direita
PULAR: seta direcional para cima
Você deve pegar as Gemas Roxas para adquirir pontos e escapar dos Morcegos.
This project was created for the CC50 exercise
at: March 27, 2023
by: Mauricio Mityo Hidani
Este projeto foi criado para o exercício do CC50
em: 27 de março de 2023
por: Mauricio Mityo Hidani