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Mattermost Jira Plugin

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This plugin supports a two-way integration between Mattermost and Jira. For a stable production release, please download the latest version in the Releases tab and follow these instructions for install and configuration.

This plugin supports Jira Core and Jira Software products, for Server, Data Center and Cloud platforms. It has been tested with versions 7 and 8.

Support for multiple Jira instances is considered, but not yet supported.

Table of Contents


  • For Jira 2.1 Mattermost server v5.14+ is required (Certain plugin APIs became available)
  • For Jira 2.0, Mattermost Server v5.12+ is required

1. Features

1.1 Send notifications from Jira to Mattermost

Notify your team of the latest updates by sending notifications from your Jira projects to Mattermost channels.



Notifications are configured with webhooks and offer full JQL support. Configuration is restricted to Jira System Admins only. See these instructions for install and configuration.

The following Jira event notifications are supported:

  • Issue created
  • Issue updated, including when an issue is reopened or resolved, or when the assignee is changed
  • Issue deleted when not yet resolved
  • Comments created, updated or deleted

If you’d like to see support for additional events, let us know.

1.2 Create and manage Jira issues in Mattermost

Connect your Mattermost account to Jira via /jira connect command, then create and manage issues across Mattermost channels. You can disconnect your account anytime via /jira disconnect.

1.2.1 Create Jira issues

Create Jira issues from a Mattermost message by clicking the More Actions (...) option of any message in the channel (available when you hover over a message), then selecting Create Jira Issue.

Then, on the resulting issue creation dialog, select the project, issue type and enter other fields to create the issue.


Click Create and the Jira issue is now created, including any file attachments part of the Mattermost message.


NOTE: This plugin does not support all Jira fields. If the project you tried to create an issue for has required fields not yet supported, you will be prompted to manually create an issue. Clicking the provided link brings you to an issue creation screen in Jira, with the fields entered previously pre-filled.

The supported Jira fields are:

  • Project Picker: Custom fields and the built-in Project field.
  • Single-Line Text: Custom fields, and built-in fields such as Summary, Environment.
  • Multi-Line Text: Custom fields, and built-in fields such as Description.
  • Single-Choice Issue: Custom fields, and built-in fields such as Issue Type and Priority.

1.2.2 Attach Messages to Jira Issues

Keep all information in one place by attaching parts of Mattermost conversations in Jira issues as comments. To attach a message, click the More Actions (...) option of any message in the channel (available when you hover over a message), then select Attach to Jira Issue.

Then, on the resulting dialog, select the issue you want to attach it to. You may search for issues containing specific text.


Click Attach and the message is attached to the selected Jira issue as a comment.

1.2.3 Transition Jira issues

Transition issues without the need to switch to your Jira project. To transition an issue, use the /jira transition <issue-key> <state> command.

For instance, /jira transition EXT-20 done transitions the issue key EXT-20 to Done.



  • States and issue transitions are based on your Jira project workflow configuration. If an invalid state is entered, an ephemeral message is returned mentioning that the state couldn't be found.
  • Partial Matches work. For example, typing /jira transition EXT-20 in will transition to "In Progress". However, if there are states of "In Review, In Progress", the plugin bot will ask you to be more specific and display the partial matches.

1.2.4 Assign Jira issues

Assign issues to other Jira users without the need to switch to your Jira project. To assign an issue, use the /jira assign .

For instance, /jira assign EXT-20 john transitions the issue key EXT-20 to John.


  • Partial Matches work with Usernames and Firstname/Lastname

2. Configuration

Step 1: Configure plugin in Mattermost

  1. Go to System Console > Plugins > Jira, select the username that this plugin is attached to, generate a Secret and hit Save.
    • You may optionally create a new user account for your Jira plugin, which acts as a bot account posting Jira updates to Mattermost channels.
  2. Go to System Console > Plugins > Management and click Enable to enable the Jira plugin.

Step 2: Configure webhooks in Jira

As of Jira 2.1, you need to configure a single webhook for all possible event triggers that you would like to be pushed into Mattermost. This is called a firehose, and the plugin gets sent a stream of events from the jira server via the webhook configured below. The plugin's new Channel Subscription feature processes the firehose of data and then routes the events to particular channels based on your subscriptions.

Previously configured webhooks that point to specific channels are still supported and will continue to work.

To control Mattermost channel subscriptions, use the command /jira subscribe in the channel in which you want to receive subscriptions. It will open a new modal window to select the project and event triggers that will post to the channel.

  1. As a Jira System Administrator, go to Jira Settings > System > WebHooks.
  • For older versions of Jira, click the gear icon in bottom left corner, then go to Advanced > WebHooks.
  1. Click Create a WebHook to create a new webhook. Enter a Name for the webhook and add the JIRA webhook URL https://SITEURL/plugins/jira/api/v2/webhook?secret=WEBHOOKSECRET as the URL.
  • Replace SITEURL with the site URL of your Mattermost instance, and WEBHOOKSECRET with the secret generated in Mattermost via System Console > Plugins > Jira.

For instance, if the site URL is, and the generated webhook secret is 5JlVk56KPxX629ujeU3MOuxaiwsPzLwh, then the final webhook URL would be
  1. Finally, set which issue events send messages to Mattermost channels - select all of the following:
  • Worklog
    • created
    • updated
    • deleted
  • Comment
    • created
    • updated
    • deleted
  • Issue
    • created
    • updated
    • deleted
  • Issue link
    • created
    • deleted
  • Attachment
    • created
    • deleted

then hit Save.

Step 3: Install the plugin as an application in Jira

If you want to allow users to create and manage Jira issues across Mattermost channels, install the plugin as an application in your Jira instance. For Jira Server or Data Center instances, post /jira install server <your-jira-url> to a Mattermost channel as a Mattermost System Admin, and follow the steps posted to the channel. For Jira Cloud, post /jira install cloud <your-jira-url>.

If you face issues installing the plugin, see our Frequently Asked Questions for troubleshooting help, or open an issue in the Mattermost Forum.

3. Jira v2 Roadmap


The ship target dates are included below. These are subject to change:

  • June 16th: Jira 2.0 released as part of Mattermost Server v5.12
  • June 25th: Jira 2.1 Release Candidate cut
    • Deployed to for wider testing
    • Shared with customers for early feedback
  • August 16th: Jira 2.1 released as part of Mattermost Server v5.14
  • Oct 16th: Jira 2.2 - bug fixes and some extra troubleshooting functions
  • End of October: Jira 2.3 - Improved notification subscription functionality

4. Development

This plugin contains both a server and web app portion.

Use make dist to build distributions of the plugin that you can upload to a Mattermost server. Use make check-style to check the style. Use make deploy to deploy the plugin to your local server.

For additional information on developing plugins, refer to our plugin developer documentation.

To test your changes against Jira locally, we recommend starting a 14-day trial for Jira Software Cloud, if you don't have a Jira project to test against. More information can be found here:

5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why doesn't my Jira plugin post any messages to Mattermost?

Try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Confirm Site URL is configured in System Console > Environment > Web Server.

    • For older Mattermost versions, this setting is located in System Console > General > Configuration.
  2. Confirm User field is set in System Console > Plugins > Jira. The plugin needs to be attached to a user account for the webhook to post messages.

  3. Confirm the team URL and channel URL you specified in the Jira webhook URL is in lower case.

  4. For issue updated events, only status changes when the ticket is reopened, or when resolved/closed, and assignee changes are supported. If you'd like to see support for additional events, let us know.

  5. If you specified a JQL query in your Jira webhook page, paste the JQL to Jira issue search and make sure it returns results. If it doesn't, the query may be incorrect. Refer to the Atlassian documentation for help.

  6. Use a curl command to make a POST request to the webhook URL. If curl command completes with a 200 OK response, the plugin is configured correctly. For instance, you can run the following command

    curl -v --insecure "https://<your-mattermost-url>/plugins/jira/webhook?secret=<your-secret>&team=<your-team>&channel=<your-channel>&user_id=admin&user_key=admin" --data '{"event":"some_jira_event"}'

    where <your-mattermost-url>, <your-secret>, <your-team-url> and <your-channel-url> depend on your setup when configuring the Jira plugin.

    Note that the curl command won't result in an actual post in your channel.

If you are still having trouble with configuration, please to post in our Troubleshooting forum and we'll be happy to help with issues during setup.

How do I disable the plugin quickly in an emergency?

Disable the Jira plugin any time from System Console > Plugins > Management. Requests will stop immediately with an error code in System Console > Logs. No posts are created until the plugin is re-enabled.

Alternatively, if you only experience problems with Jira-related user interactions in Mattermost such as creating issues, disable these features by setting Allow users to connect their Mattermost accounts to Jira to false in System Console > Plugins > Jira. This setting does not affect Jira webhook notifications. After changing this setting to false, disable, then re-enable this plugin in System Console > Plugins > Plugin Management to reset the plugin state for all users.

Why do I get an error WebHooks can only use standard http and https ports (80 or 443).?

Jira only allows webhooks to connect to the standard ports 80 and 443. If you are using a non-standard port, you will need to set up a proxy for the webhook URL, such as<your-mattermost-url>%3A<your-port>%2Fplugins%2Fjira%2Fwebhook%3Fsecret%<your-secret>%26team%3D<your-team-url>%26channel%3D<your-channel-url>

where <your-mattermost-url>, <your-port>, <your-secret>, <your-team-url> and <your-channel-url> depend on your setup from the above steps.

How do I handle credential rotation for the Jira webhook?

You can generate a new secret in System Console > Plugins > Jira, and paste the new webhook URL in your JIRA webhook configuration.

This might result in downtime of the JIRA plugin, but it should only be a few minutes at most.

What changed in the Jira 2.1 Webhook configuration?

In Jira 2.1 there is a modal window for a "Channel Subscription" to Jira issues. This requires a firehose of events to be sent from Jira to Mattermost, and the Jira plugin then "routes" or "drops" the events to particular channels. The Channel Subscription modal (which you can access by going to a particular channel, then typing jira /subscribe) provides easy access for Mattermost Channel Admins to setup which notifications they want to receive per channel.

Earlier versions of the Jira plugin (2.0) used a manual webhook configuration that pointed to specific channels and teams. The webhook configuration was https://SITEURL/plugins/jira/webhook?secret=WEBHOOKSECRET&team=TEAMURL&channel=CHANNELURL. This method can still be used to setup notifications from Jira to Mattermost channels if the new Channel Subscription modal can't support a particular channel subscription yet.

How do I manually Configure webhooks notifications to be sent to a Mattermost Channel?

If you want to send notifications from Jira to Mattermost, link a Jira project to a Mattermost channel via webhooks.

  1. As a Jira System Administrator, go to Jira Settings > System > WebHooks.
  • For older versions of Jira, click the gear icon in bottom left corner, then go to Advanced > WebHooks.
  1. Click Create a WebHook to create a new webhook. Enter a Name for the webhook and add the JIRA webhook URL https://SITEURL/plugins/jira/webhook?secret=WEBHOOKSECRET&team=TEAMURL&channel=CHANNELURL (for Jira 2.1) as the URL.
  • Replace TEAMURL and CHANNELURL with the Mattermost team URL and channel URL you want the JIRA events to post to. The values should be in lower case.
  • Replace SITEURL with the site URL of your Mattermost instance, and WEBHOOKSECRET with the secret generated in Mattermost via System Console > Plugins > Jira.

For instance, if the team URL is contributors, channel URL is town-square, site URL is, and the generated webhook secret is 5JlVk56KPxX629ujeU3MOuxaiwsPzLwh, then the final webhook URL would be
  1. (Optional) Set a description and a custom JQL query to determine which tickets trigger events. For more information on JQL queries, refer to the Atlassian help documentation.

  2. Finally, set which issue events send messages to Mattermost channels, then hit Save. The following issue events are supported:

    • Issue Created; Issue Deleted
    • Issue Updated, including when an issue is reopened or resolved, or when the assignee is changed. Optionally send notifications for comments, see below.

Note: You can send notifications for comments by selecting Issue Updated, then adding &updated_comments=1 to the end of the webhook URL, such as

This sends all comment notifications to a Mattermost channel, including public and private comments, so be cautious of which channel you send these notifications to.

6. Troubleshooting

Note: If you experience problems with Jira-related user interactions in Mattermost such as creating issues, disable these features by setting Allow users to connect their Mattermost accounts to Jira to false in System Console > Plugins > Jira. This setting does not affect Jira webhook notifications. After changing this setting to false, disable, then re-enable this plugin in System Console > Plugins > Plugin Management to reset the plugin state for all users.

Sometimes the plugin may crash unexpectedly, you may notice:

  • you will see a response in red text below the chat window displaying slash command with trigger of '/(name)' not found, - If you check your log file, look for messages that refer to "plugins" and "health check fail", "ExecuteCommand" etc.

If you encounter these types of issues - you can set LogSettings.FileLevel to DEBUG in your config.json settings. This will enable debug logging and give more verbose error events in the system log. Then try re-enabling the plugin in the system-console. These log results may be requested by others in the forum or by our support team. Note If you have a site with high volumes of activity, this setting can cause Log files to expand substantially and may adversely impact the server performance. Keep an eye on your server logs, or only enable in development environments.

Jira/Mattermost user connections

Connecting an account between Mattermost and Jira is a key part of the installation process and requires the end-user to authenticate with Jira and allow access to their Jira account. All create, view, assign and transition operations are done using the logged in user's Jira access token.

  • You must be signed into Mattermost on the same browser you are using to sign into Jira during connect

  • The domain end-users sign into Mattermost with on that browser must match the SiteURL in config.json

7. Help

For Mattermost customers - please open a support case. For Questions, Suggestions and Help - please find us on our forum at To Contribute to the project see


JIRA plugin for Mattermost πŸ”Œ







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