Code for training a DCGAN to generate pictures of album art, written in Tensorflow, along with:
- scripts for preprocessing and cleaning images to fit in the neural network
- a script to combine the output images during training into a GIF
Result after 1.5 hours(300 Epochs) of training, with 1.2k images and batch size 100
Result after about 5 hours(186 Epochs) of training, with 10k images and batch size 128
Result on celeba dataset after 1 hour (350 epochs of training), with 1k images and 128 batch size
Result on celeba dataset after 5 hours (350 epochs of training), with 4.7k images and 128 batch size
Due to hardware limitations I haven't been able to train the network as much as I would have liked, so in the future if I have better hardware I'll probably get better results
imageio(if using the GIF script)
Personal usage of this repository is NOT recommended as data processing and cleaning are all separate scripts.