An Ansible collection to manage Pterodactyl Panel and Wings servers. This collection targets the 1.X series of Pterodactyl software. There is no support for older versions (0.7 and before).
The collection currently contains roles for installing both the panel and wings on a variety of distributions. Modules for accessing the Pterodactyl API are planned for the future, once a Python API wrapper for v1.0 becomes available.
- A recent version of ansible. We test against the current and the previous major release
- Python 3.7 or newer on remote hosts and the controller
Install this role via ansible-galaxy:
ansible-galaxy collection install maxhoesel.pterodactyl
You can also install the most recent version of this collection by referencing this repository.
ansible-galaxy collection install git+
Currently, two roles are available: pterodactyl_panel
and pterodactyl_wings
These roles manage installation of the respective component. See their docs (panel, wings) for more details.
Let's say you want to deploy a pterodactyl installation with a panel and a few nodes. In this case, your inventory probably looks a little like this:
First, let's install the panel using the pterodactyl_panel
role. There's a few things do to first though:
- Make sure that your host meets the requirements of
(see the roles README for details.) - Create and prepare a MySQL/MariaDB database + user for the panel (you can use geerlingguy's role for this).
- Create and save a SSL certificate to the remote host. This will be used as the HTTPS certificate by Apache. You can use Let's Encrypt or create your own self-signed cert (for internal use, make sure that all your hosts trust that cert!)
- (Optional) Configure a SMTP server to accept outgoing mail coming from your panel. This isn't required for internal/testing setups, but still recommended
Finally, we need to generate a valid App Key and HashIDs salt. These cryptographic values are required to setup the panel and should to be saved in a secure location, such as Ansible Vault. You can generate them on your machine by running these commands:
- App Key:
echo "base64:$(openssl rand -base64 32)"
- HashIDs Salt:
tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 20 ; echo
Again, make sure to store these values in a safe and secure place (especially the App Key, as it is used to encrypt/decrypt your panel data!).
Once that's done, you can customize and run the playbook below:
- hosts: panel
- name: Install Pterodactyl Panel
name: maxhoesel.pterodactyl.pterodactyl_panel
# pterodactyl_panel supports additional options, see it's README for more details.
pterodactyl_panel_app_key: #your-app-key-here
pterodactyl_panel_hashids_salt: #your-salt-here
# The timezone in which the panel should operate
pterodactyl_panel_timezone: Europe/Berlin
# DB settings. Make sure that the database + user already exist and are accessible
pterodactyl_panel_db_host: ""
pterodactyl_panel_db_name: panel
pterodactyl_panel_db_user: pterodactyl
pterodactyl_panel_db_password: users-db-password-here
# Paths to the certificate. This defaults to the Let's Encrypt directory for your hosts domain name
#pterodactyl_panel_ssl_cert: "/etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ ansible_fqdn }}/fullchain.pem"
#pterodactyl_panel_ssl_key: "/etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ ansible_fqdn }}/privkey.pem"
# Mail server settings.
pterodactyl_panel_mail_password: your-mail-password
pterodactyl_panel_mail_encryption: tls
# By default, the role will create a user with the credentials admin/admin.
# You can change these values below or in the UI once the panel is up and running
pterodactyl_panel_admin_mail: ""
#pterodactyl_panel_admin_user: admin
#pterodactyl_panel_admin_password: admin
Once the playbook finishes running, your panel should be reachable under
Before you can install the wings daemon on your nodes, you first need to add them to the panel using the UI. Future releases of this collection will hopefully include modules to access the pterodactyl API to automate this process, but for now, manual action is required.
Go into the panel, add a location and then add all of your nodes, filling out the required fields. Once that's done, go to the "Configuration" tab and note down the config options. Then add the following snippet to the host_vars of each node:
pterodactyl_wings_uuid: node-uuid-here
pterodactyl_wings_token_id: node-token-id-here
pterodactyl_wings_token: node-token-here
In addition to the panel, the wings daemon also requires a SSL cert and key to be present on the remote host. Again, you can use Let's Encrypt or a self-signed cert for internal use (make sure that all hots trust the cert).
- hosts: nodes
- name: Install Pterodactyl Wings Daemon
name: maxhoesel.pterodactyl.pterodactyl_wings
# pterodactyl_wings supports additional options, see it's README for more details.
pterodactyl_wings_remote: ""
Now, go to your panel and check the node status. It should be online and ready to host servers!
Created & Maintained by Max Hösel (@maxhoesel)
Licensed under the GPL 3.0 or later