Easily make your text sound sarcastic.
npm install srcsm
- import the function
from thesrcsm
module srcsm(string)
accept on string parameter- Make any string visualy appear sarcastic
import { srcsm } from 'srcsm';
let string = 'wow this is a really useful package!';
'wOw tHiS iS a rEaLlY uSeFuL pAcKagE!'
- John Doe - "tHiS wIlL bE iNcLuDeD iN eVeRy PrOjEcT i MaKe"
- Jane Doe - "fOrGeT aBoUt WeB3, tHiS iS wEb4 !!"
- Boby Doe - "bEtTeR tHaN cRYpTo"