4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate) grand stratergy game based on Civilization 5
- C# 6.0
- .Net framework 4.6
- MonoGame 3.4 (DX11)
- Windows 7, 8.1, 10
The games's engine, built on top of MonoGame 3.4. Features:
- Full winforms-like event based GUI for MonoGame
- Canvas
- Form
- Button
- Check box
- Images
- Label
- Progress bar
- Scroll box
- Spin button
- Text box (Full windows-like functionality, text selection, advanced cursor control, key repeat, etc.)
- Text log
- Tool tip
- Rich text (Supports multiple fonts, colours, sizes)
- Audio wrappper and juke box (MonoGame's is broken)
- Custom content pack system. Useful for individual levels, mods, etc.
- 2D Camera
- Win32 cursor API wrapper
- 2D Sprites
- 2D Sprite animations
- Sprite Atlases
- Application level packet based TCP client/server wrapper
- DNS resolver
- Ping utility
- Console variables, config script run on startup can set user settings
Simple interface designer for ArwicEngine.Forms
- GUI editor
- Most properties editable
Edits xml files (must specify types at compile time).
Used for unit/tile/empire editing, useful for modding.
The game itself.
- Client/server based
- Single player games simply start local server
- Full GUI config
- Full GUI lobby
- Procedural map generation
- A* unit pathing
- Unit combat
- Unit control (Full GUI)
- Cities
- Population growth based on food and current population
- Income based on buidlings and improvments
- Border expansion based on culture and current border size
- Building production
- Unit production
- Tech tree (Full GUI)
- Social policy (Full GUI)
- Fog of war (currently insecure as client stills knows everything)
- Turn timer
- Minimap (Full GUI)
- Tile improvments
- Tile data texts