Install the package: go get -u
This helps in creating go routers
Installing go-jwt package:
go get
PQ package: which helps us connect to PostGre DB
go get
BCRYPT package: This is part of the go installation
or else : go get
Go Spew: Could be used for printing detailed struct formats
go get -u
gotenv: To use the environment variables
go get
JSON Web Token
Means of exchanging information between 2 parties
Digitally Signed
Structure: {Base64 encoder Header}.{Base64 encoder Payload}.{Signature}
Header: Consists of Alg &, Token Type --> {"alg": "HS256", "type":"JWT"}
Payload: Payload carry the claims
- User &, additional data such as expiry
- Types of claims: Registered, Public &, Private
- eg: {"email":"", "Issuer": "course"}
Signature: Computed from Header, Payload &, a secret
- Generated by the algo mentioned in the header
- Digitally signed using a secret only known to the developer
- Cannot be decrypted unless you have the access to secret
PostGres SQL
For the tutorial we will PostGresSQL as a service.
Create an instance [Free one] ->
To create a user table:
create table users (
id serial primary key,
email text not null unique,
password text not null
To insert records:
insert into users (email, password) values ('', '123456');
insert into users (email, password) values ('', '123456');
To select records:
SELECT * FROM "public"."users"
Running the application
go build
The services would available at port 8000
For example:
POST: http://localhost:8000/singup
Sample Request Json: {
"email": "",
"password": "1234"