🔭 I’m currently working on ...
I am working as Engineering Manager in Advanced Analystics & AI Team in E.ON . I have 14+ experince building products across domains . For past 2 years , I have been focussing on Data Driven projects in Energy sector . In my private time , I love coding in Python . Now days learning Pytorch and Graph Neural Network. I was invited to speak at Big Data & AI World Conference in Nov 2020 . You can find video at https://vimeo.com/472984729/c6c84914ec
🌱 My Medium Blog ...
You can checkout my medium blog at https://medium.com/@sand.mayur
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on ...
I am looking to collaborate on Energy domain Data driven usecases which anyone is pursuing . Graph Neural Network (GNN) is another topic where I would love to collaborate with others
⚡ Fun fact: ... I love Football and Manchester United is my Fav Team . I have never missed a single match they have played since 2000 . Always ensured followed them via social media , Radio or TV