In the fast paced and tech. driven world often times emotions are not openly shared or discussed
Never even take the time to ask
How your child/student are filling ?
Are you happy today ?
What would make tomorrow a better day for you ?
Those questions which should be asked on a regular basis and the happiness of your child/student should be constantly monitored. and that's we come up with solution like
- School, Teacher and Student login options(/)
- our features listed on home page
Teachers Page:
- List of Rooms available created by teacher
- add Room button
- Overall room avg. happiness index(/teacher/over-all-happiness-index)
- individual student happiness index
Student Page:
- username and password provide by teacher
- Monthly Happiness survey(questions)
School Page:
- List of Rooms created by class teacher
- Over All School Happiness Index(/school/over-all-happiness-index)
- suggestion for teachers how to improve thier class's happiness index
- All student Post are annonymes
- if any student wants to revel thier identity for particular post he/she allowed to do that
- Also AI use their posts for sentimental annalyisis and provide score(index) it also use to messaure overall happiness index
- who can offer support when you are in distress
- chatbot suggest some exercise to overcome stress or anexity
- if Words like suscide, bullied, depression detect in chat relief bot save those students id for further Counciling
- daily mood traking(/student/mood-tracking)
- results of previous surveys(/student/over-all-happiness-index)
- Chart and Graphs Of daily mood and Activities
- Over All happiness index using Monthly survey and Daily mood tracking