This repository is created for Safety Critical System Project WiSe 2020/21 , FUAS by Team-G
1)install Node.js confirm -> node -v & npm –v 2)npm install -g @angular/cli confirm -> ng -v
[We will provide the starter angular project]
run -> npm install (to install node modules) npm start
appliation visible at "http://localhost:4200" Mysql
- mysql installer ( preferably) install everything including workbench
---- mysql username=root & password=root ---- create schema covid (from workbench)
Spring Boot (only after mysql installation and setup)
install jdk (preferably latest)
install eclipse or STS (IDE - same but STS more specialised for Springboot)
run java main class -> /covax/src/main/java/com/station/
appliation server at "http://localhost:8080" try link http://localhost:8080/working