Training a Turtlebot to move around in circles using ROS + Gazebo and OpenAI Gym.
- have Docker installed.
- install nvidia-docker2 (
sudo apt-get install nvidia-docker2
Copy run_demo.bash somewhere, make sure it is executable (chmod +x run_demo.bash
bash run_demo.bash
You're now inside the container.
Navigate to ~/gym-gazebo/gym_gazebo/envs/installation
, then execute the following:
bash setup_kinetic.bash
(might take a few minutes to finish compiling)bash turtlebot_nn_setup.bash
You should now be ready to execute any script!
To bring up Gazebo and visualize the robot, in a separate (host) terminal, run:
docker exec -it --env DISPLAY --env QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 --privileged CONTAINER_ID bash
CONTAINER_ID can be obtained by running
docker ps
. -
After logging into the container, run
Main script to check out:
IPython Notebook without output displayed.
Has the main script for training a DQN for making a Turtlebot go in a circle.
IPython Notebook with output displayed
Script for a quick demo of what the DQN has learned. To run this script, first source the environments as described in "Installation" and then:
python test_drive turtlebot_dqn_2
turtlebot_dqn_2 loads weights of the DQN trained for "Exploration without Directed Bias" (refer report). Replace with turtlebot_dqn_1 for "Exploration with Directed Bias". Run
in a separate terminal to view the robot moving in circles.
Weight files are located ./models
To launch jupyter-notebook hosted inside the container on the host machine's browser, after the container has been launched using run_demo.bash
jupyter notebook --ip --no-browser --allow-root